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JLawsin, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-60047-393-7
Price: $16.95
God did not create creation; Creation created God.
In my book Creation by Law, I implicitly proposed a fundamental concept of an unknown theory known as Dualpairing, the first general instruction in the creation process. A two of a kind, called dualpair, must be coupled together first. Man and woman, white and black, A and Z, North and South, positive and negative, zero and one, up and down, roots and branches, crest and trough, right and left, high and low, yes and no, something and nothing, matter and energy are some examples of these dualpairs.
After presenting these examples to the public, I found out statistically that most of my readers— students, teachers, parents, atheists, theologians, and scientists—believed at first that I was talking about the opposite of a thing. When I declared that all things are paired, tenfold of questions start to pour out such as:
If the partner of man is a woman, what is the alterpair of a bacterium?
If roots are to branches, what about the alterpairs of leaves, flowers, bark, heartwood, sapwood, sap, and everything else that goes into making up a plant?
What is the alterpair of a whiptail lizard?
What is the alterpair of π?
What is the alterpair of shadow?
Why is Z the alterpair of A and not B or C?
How do you explain asexual reproduction?
What is the alterpair of siphonophores?
Why all things are dualpaired?
How to find an alterpair?
What is the formula that supports the Theory of Dualpairing?
Where is the proof that souls or spirits do not exist?
Why is God just a part of the evolution creation?
I realized, from these series of queries, humans tend to be biased against ideas that are new to them. They always believe in the norms accepted by the many (The Herd Mentality), the standards established by the society, the belief systems outgrown by individuals, and the status projected by the so-called experts without questions. The false notion that humans and animals cannot propagate ever without sex captivated me most from this feedback. This wrong impression and the questions submitted by my readers will be thoroughly explained in this edition. The "Aha" moment or flash of revelation I had experienced as I was conceptualizing Creation by Law will also be shared as you go throughout the book.
In Chapter 3, the misconceptions about the creation by a divine being and the creation by a single organism, a single particle, or single species that gave birth to the entire universe will be straightened up. The evolution of Creation will also prove“God” is not the creator of everything. The chapter will also reveal how the natural dualpairing of Materials and Instructions created the universe.
Chapter 2 will demonstrate a remarkable logical approach that suggests ape can evolve to man or from mud (non-living) to man (living things) without the need of presenting any fossilized transitional "missing link". Chapter 6 will provide some astonishing out-of-body experiences. These personal encounters by the author, including testimonials from people who participated in the scientific studies on astral projection, will offer proof that the soul doesn't exist. The chapter will also discuss the dualpairing of something and nothing which places God as part of the process of creation. Chapter 4 will present the evolution of numbers, formulas, and dimensions - the building blocks of Mathematics. The section will also unfold the solution in deriving the formula behind the Theory of Dualpairing. Chapter 1 will explore and debunk some popular theories about how the universe was created based on the principles of divine creation, biological evolution, and natural interventions.
In Chapter 5, the origin of life by dualpairing will be explained in detail. Viegenesis, which is a discipline that studies the process of creation by the dualpair of systemic instructions and vitalic materials, the building blocks of everything, is the highlight of this book.
I have an utmost obsession finding the answers to how the universe came into existence. What is the basic unit, the fingerprint of life, which makes me me and all the things outside me? Where did we come from? What is the purpose of our existence? The more time I spent looking for answers, the more unknowns come to my quest. These uncertainties are the inspirations that influence me to believe that somewhere, somehow, there is a single natural code, a basic pattern that is just waiting to be discovered. Luckily, I FOUND THEM. This masterwork will change everything you believe.
"Christianism attributes all creation to god’s intelligent design.
Darwinism attributes all creation to nature's evolutionary design.
Lawsinism attributes all creation to instruction and material design."
~ J.Lawsin
Lawsinism \Law`[sin^]*ism\, n.
1: the philosophical doctrine on Creation by Laws. The theory of creation by the dualpairing of systemic instruction and vitalic material.
2: the Laws of Instruction. The Law.
3: The Natural Law of Creation and Evolution.
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"The universe evolved from nothing and something; and has most of this elemental dualpair until now."
~ Sir Joey Lawsin.
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