First drafted 2001 Published 2008 Revised 2009
by Joey Lawsin
Here are some apparent contradictions or challenging passages found in the Bible:
1. **God's Omniscience and Regret**: Genesis 6:6 says God regretted creating humans, but how can an omniscient God experience regret?
2. **The Ten Commandments**: Exodus 20:13 says, "Thou shalt not kill," yet there are instances where God commands killing (e.g., Joshua's conquests).
3. **David's Census**: In 2 Samuel 24:1, God incites David to take a census, but in 1 Chronicles 21:1, Satan does. Which is accurate?
4. **Jesus' Genealogy**: Matthew and Luke provide different genealogies for Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38). How do we reconcile these?
5. **The Sermon on the Mount**: Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine," but Matthew 6:1 warns against doing good deeds publicly. Contradiction?
6. **Salvation by Faith or Works?**: Ephesians 2:8-9 emphasizes faith, while James 2:24 emphasizes works. How do we harmonize these?
7. **The Resurrection Order**: In 1 Corinthians 15:23, Paul lists the resurrection order, but it differs from the Gospel accounts. Why?
8. **Jesus' Last Words**: Four different versions exist for Jesus' last words on the cross (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Luke 23:46, John 19:30). Which one is accurate?
9. **Judas' Death**: Did Judas hang himself (Matthew 27:5) or fall headlong (Acts 1:18)?
10. **Thieves on the Cross**: Did both thieves mock Jesus (Matthew 27:44) or only one (Luke 23:39-43)?
11. **Jesus' First Meeting with Peter**: Was it by the sea (Matthew 4:18) or by the river (John 1:42)?
12. **The Women at the Tomb**: Did the women spread the word of the empty tomb (Matthew 28:8, Luke 24:9) or flee in fear (Mark 16:8)?
13. **Job's Blamelessness**: Job is described as "blameless" (Job 1:1), yet he suffered greatly. How does this align with the idea that all humans sin?
14. **Noah's Blamelessness**: Noah is also called "blameless" (Genesis 6:9). Does this mean he never sinned?
15. **The Talking Donkey**: Balaam's donkey speaks in Numbers 22:28. Literal or metaphorical?
16. **Contrasting Proverbs**: Proverbs 26:4-5 advises both answering and not answering a fool. Which is it?
17. **Jesus' Birthplace**: Matthew says Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1), but Luke says Nazareth (Luke 2:4). How do we reconcile this?
18. **The Rich Young Ruler**: In Mark 10:17-22, Jesus tells the rich man to sell everything. But in other passages, wealth isn't condemned.
19. **Paul's Conversion Account**: Acts 9:7 vs. Acts 22:9—discrepancies in the details of Paul's encounter with Jesus.
20. **The Timing of Jesus' Crucifixion**: John's Gospel differs from the Synoptics regarding the timing of Jesus' crucifixion (John 19:14-16). How do we harmonize these?
Some more biblical covers up :
2. Wife for Cain - Adam and Eve have 9 sons (source: Book Of Jubilees)
3. Fallen Angels - Enock walks with God. Angels mating with mortals. Mankind was devoured by Giants. Covering faces to stop mating with bad angels. (source: Book of Enoch)
4. Rejected books banned from the Bible (source: Infancy Gospel of Thomas 185 AD)
5. jesus pushed a boy to death, blinding a customer for being criticize,
6. Gospels of Peter, Thomas, Philips, Egyptians, Mary, Truth, Gnostics not included in the Sacred Canon
7. Gnostic: God is Evil.
8. Mary of Magdela believes in gnosticism, materialism,
9. Bishop of Atheneus biblical cover-ups
10. Story of Nicodemus. Hell is a destination of people who die. Jesus descended to hell.
11. gnostic apocalypse of Peter was not chosen instead john revelation was chosen, if you are a blasphemer you will be hanged with your tongue. vangeance?