First drafted 2001 Published 2011 Revised 2019
by Joey Lawsin
I am usually accused of being impartial or unfair by people who are distressed at the impressions I post here, specifically threads like Jesus the AntiChrist, Jesus behaving badly, The Bible proves God doesn't Exist. and the Phrenological, Cosmogenical and Originemological Arguments about God.
One commentator even told me and I quote: "it is sad to see how much people doubt in what is true, how in the world can this even be contemplated? Have you ever just sat down and really thought about what you just said!? Sometimes when you want to say something you must sit down and think about whether or not what you are saying is really something that is worth saying. By suggesting that JESUS is the anti-Christ you are directly insulting people who believe that He is the Messiah and true son of GOD. It is very sad to see how many people are ready to attack the Christian faith more than any other faith in the world. Please next time you are thinking of writing about something so sensitive, think about whether this will insult anybody else. The sad thing about the world today is that people only want to think about themselves and not others (inserts: please read the author's real intention why this blog was created). Yes, I know that we have the freedom of expression but that freedom is also limited by how it will affect others".
To be fair to both believers and non-believers alike, I am posting new evidence to back up my claim that the biblical god is a product of distorted information promoted by the college of propaganda of the catholic church. If this claim is wrong, then I challenge my readers to defend themselves by providing me rational reasons why they think that their church is the one and the only true church in today's world. Why their god/s is the true God? And, how can they prove to me that their God exists without using even a single verse in the bible? If they can then I will close my case.
Furthermore, here are more questions to the faithful: Why do you think you will go to heaven while the Mormons, Baptists, Christians, Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicanism, Methodists, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, will not? Why do you think that Christians are the chosen people of God and not the original followers of Judaism? Which is telling the truth: Judaism or Catholicism, Old or New Testament, Moses or Constantinople? With all these factions, could it be that Christianism is the antithesis of Judaism? Due to the fact that the real tenets of the traditional testament (as you will see later) were compromised when the new testament was added, do you think the bible still the word of god? Have you ever thought why the name Jesus Christ not even mentioned in the Old Testament? Could it be possible that allegorically Jesus was the Roman's anti-messiah, the nemesis of the real "Christ" of the Jews?
To search for clues, let me present here the originemology of Christianity. Then, let me show you how the Hebrew Scripture was compiled and became the old testament, who were the original authors of the holy scripture, and which are the original books of the bible. Then let me also compare and contrast the doctrines or teachings of the Jewish versus the Christians. And finally, let us examine how the new testament (a totally separate book) was combined or added to the original Hebrew Scripture.
The Doctrines of the Jewish Faith vs. the Dogma of the Christian Denominations:
*Judaism does not believe in Jesus Christ.
~Christianism believes in Jesus Christ.
*In Judaism, Jews primarily concerned is what God wants them To Do, and that is – To Be Good.
~In Christianism, Christians primarily concerned is what God wants them - To Love Him.
*Judaism believes in the existence of a God who can’t be accurately conceived, described, or pictured.
~Christianity describes their God as omnipresent, omnipotent, and all the omnis.
*Judaism believes that God so loves the world, that he gave "The Word" (and not Jesus or even the new testament).
~Christianity believes that God loves the world, that he "gave his only begotten son".
*Judaism is preoccupied with God and only God.
~Christianity is preoccupied with dogmatic disputes.
*When you ask a Jew, who they are, they will simply say they are the people who follow the faith of Judaism and believe in one and only one God.
~When you ask a Christian who they are....they will say they are Christ's followers....who follow the teachings of the Holy Bible and believe in three Gods, the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.
*Judaism believes in the coming of the Messiah.
~Christianity believes in the coming of the Messiah.
The word messiah is from the Hebrew equivalent “anointed”. And the anointing is given to monarchs or any ancient messiahs. In Judaism, a Messiah represents a human being with special talents or gifts parallel to the goodness of God. In Talmud, a messiah is also portrayed as a person who helps other people, who volunteer, who do good works and do good deeds. Whatever the personalities of the messiah, one thing is certain – he is a human being, not divine. In contrast, Christianity believes that the messiah is divine that came from heaven and became man in the form of Jesus Christ.
*Judaism has always been concerned with the world and the next generations.
~Christianity has always been motivated by hopes of rewards and fear of punishment.
*Christianity, with its New Testament, believes in salvation. This means that Christians will be saved from their sins by the coming of Jesus to earth. They also believe in Revelation which only exists in the New Testament.
Judaism has no such belief. They do not believe in salvation nor revelation. They believe in redemption. They believe that God pardons their sins if and only if they return to God with a sincere genuine apology. That’s it.
*Judaism doesn’t believe in heaven and hell in physical terms.
~ Christianity can describe physically heaven and proficiently more about hell.
*Judaism believes that Satan is a mythical symbol of evil and that’s it.
~Christianity believes that Satan “physically” exist like God.
Judaism contested that there can be no Satanic dominion, for all things falls under the control of God and no one else. It is only God’s dominion alone that exists and nothing else. Even a six grader can figure out the last two sentences.
If the New Testament was not added to the Old Testament, the idea of sin will not even exist at all. Judaism believes that man can be good or bad. That’s it. They don’t believe that human beings are sinners. They believe that if someone does bad things against other people, he is forgiven by God if he has been forgiven by the people he has wronged. If he does bad things against God, like believing in Jesus Christ or other gods, God forgives him by simply returning to god with an honest conscience and sincere convictions.
*Judaism believes in “works”.
~Christiany believes in “miracles”.
*Judaism dedicates huge time in doing good works. For them this is spirituality.
~Christianity dedicates huge time in collecting tithes and attracting members-to-be.
*Judaism supreme value is Life. When Jews toast, they raise their glasses and say “To Life”.
~Christianity supreme value is the afterlife because Jesus promised them this. When Christians toast, they raise their hands and shouts “Praise the Lord Jesus, Amen”.
*Judaism’s children were urged to grow into “good deeds”.
~Christianity emphasized Faith, not deeds.
*Judaism believes that a home without children is a home without blessings. The sanctity of marriage is not in reproduction. It is the bond that connects two people and their children.
~Christianity believes that children have the right to leave their father and mother.
*Judaism worships only one and only one God.
~Christianity worships God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, the Trinity, Mary the Virgin, Joseph the carpenter, and even Mother Theresa.
Other interesting facts about Judaism:
1. There is no priesthood in Judaism .... it originated from the Catholics.
2. Kaddish is a prayer similar to the Lord's Prayer of the Catholics. Shema and Amidah are the two other core prayers of the Jewish. However, the idea of prayers didn't originate from them.
3. Jews call their holiday as "sukkot" or "Shabbat" where the word sabbath or Saturday originated.
There was this old rabbinic saying, which simply means that Jews talk more about attitude than about scripture, that goes: "The teaching (bible) is not essential; the action (righteousness) is".
Another famous rabbinic aphorism, which I think is the embodiment of a TRUE GOD, pictures GOD as saying: "As long as Jews do My Will, they need not believe in Me." ~ by God
Aside from these passages, another verse in the bible caught my attention which I suspect has another layer of meaning unsuspectingly hidden to the eyes of the believers. In Matthew 7: 15-20, the Douay-Rheims bible warns believers to keep away from those who come as "sheep in wolves' clothing":
“15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits, you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire 20 Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them".
Believers might have lost their sights on these verses. These verses have double hidden meanings. It could be God or Satan who is referred to here as the "sheep in a wolf clothes". Judaism vs Catholicism. God vs Satan. Old vs New Testament. Remember, we have established that the ancient Catholic Church (whose original religion was Mithraism) incorporated or added the new testament (from where the above verse came from) into the Hebrew scripture (old testament). I have a great hunch that the word satan, a generic Hebrew word which means "the adversary or opponent", was put to life as a particular person or institution synonymous with a false prophet or a false church by the Roman Catholic Church. If this is true, the Catholic Church in particular or the Christian, in general, is the anti-messiah or the adversary Satan that is described as the sheep in wolf's clothes that contaminated and destroyed the original faith of Moses. Since the true spiritual meaning of Judaism was significantly revised or altered by Christianism, we can conclude now that the Christian Bible is the work of the devil, that Jesus Christ is the antiChrist and that the sheep with wolf clothes the verse is pertaining to is the Roman Catholic Church.
But, what if it was really Satan who willfully designed the bible and used the name of God as him to entice followers? How will you know this? How can you prove this? Have you ever tried to investigate the negative side of the bible? Have you ever questioned the bible?
If not, here are some thought-provoking questions that you might wish to reflect on:
1. Who killed more people in the bible: God or Satan?
2. Is Jesus Christ's name in the bible?
3. How was the bible transliterated from Hebrew, greek, german, Latin to English?
4. Is there proof that God exists?
5. Is there proof that God does not exist?
6. If Jesus is real, could he be the antichrist?
7. Is the seven-day creation in genesis scientifically correct?
8. Is there proof that God or Jesus wrote the bible?
9. If Jesus is half-man and half-god, could he be a demigod?
10. Which religion came first: Judaism, Islam, or Christianism?
11. How long did Judaism exist before Christianism and Islam were founded?
12. Where did the Old Testament come from? Who are its authors?
13. Where did the New Testament come from? Who are its writers?
14. Why were the OT and the NT combined as one book? Which bible version are you using right now?
15. Why are there unicorns and other fairytale creatures in the bible?
16. Can the “seven deadliest sins” be found in the bible?
17. Do the words hell and heavens in the Old Testament?
18. Who or what created the universe: is it the Word, God, or Light?
19. Was the Virgin Mary ever-virgin in her entire life? Did she have other kids?
20. How many gods are mentioned in the bible?
21. What is “The Council of Nicea”? Who is Constantine?
22. How many different bibles are used by various believers? Which one is the true Bible?
23. How many religious denominations are there all over the world? Which one is the true church?
24. Do you know that King James, the bible both used by Catholics & Christians, is a protestant bible?
25. Where did the concept of God, church, and the bible originate from?
26. How did christianism evolve from ancient religions like gnostic, Mithraism and Hellenistic?
27. How many contradictions, errors, mistakes, or inconsistencies can be found in the bible?
28. What is the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Feng-Su T'ung-yi?
29. Is Lilith, not Eve, Adam's first wife?
30. Do you know it a sin to eat hamburgers, french fries, and sushi?
If you don't know the answers to these questions, you can find them here posted somewhere on this site. A complete discussion can also be found in my books: The Bible proves God doesn't Exist and Man created God.
**Lawsinism \Law`[sin^]*ism\, n.
1: the philosophical doctrine on Creation by Laws
2: the theory of creation by the dualpairing of systemic instruction and vitalic material.
3: the Law of Instruction. The Law.
4: The Natural Law of Creation and Evolution.
5: the Realization of Codexation: Abstracts to Physicals
"Live Life for the Greater Good of Everything and Everyone"
~ Joey Lawsin
About the Author :
Disclaimer: The articles on this site are intended for a balanced education. Since it is constantly edited, updated, and improved, therefore I recommend that you check back regularly for new items. If you want to use anything here for any scholarly study or educational purpose, please inform the author by email or cite the source as follows: A Journal of a Creative Mind, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.
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