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ISBN: 978-1-4583-0617-3 |
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Inscription By Design Theory
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Lawsin's One Theory of Everything
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ISBN: 978-1-312-38446-0 |
Matter is an example of a material and its by-products (e.g. weight, density, volume, energy, inscription) are examples of by-materials. Non-materials are examples of abstracts. They are non-derived by-products of matter.
Through his extensive research experiments on Autognorics, Lawsin discovered that everything emerges because of IOs and EIs. The emergence of thy self, the main highlight of his Nobel prize discovery, provides conclusive evidence that the "self" can be generated following his seven-part formula, namely: the mechanization of aliveness, the sensation of awareness, the codification of consciousness, the logic of intuitiveness, the inlearness of information, the symbiosis of living, and the emergence of self. These seven new criteria or orders of life are the variables that form the equation of being alive, living, and with life.
Life, consciousness, dreams, and everything else are like mirages that appear to exist but actually don't exist at all. They are not permanent. They are interims. They only emerge when the right conditions are present. Without their existential essentials, they will never exist at all. This theory of generated interim emergence is the one theory of everything.
Essentially, the emergence of an interim is determined by the combination of its physical materials and the instruction embedded within it. Developed by Joey Lawsin in 1988, the One Theory of Everything forms an integral part of his broader work on Inscriptionism.
How does Lawsin's One Theory of Everything relate to other theories of existence and reality?
Lawsin’s theory is a radical and novel approach to the questions of existence and reality. It challenges some of the assumptions and arguments of other theories, such as dualism, materialism, idealism, scientism, inscriptionism, and consciousness. Here are some of the possible ways that Lawsin’s theory relates to other theories:
Dualism is the view that there are two kinds of substances or realities: physical and mental. Lawsin’s theory rejects this view and argues that there is only one kind of reality: information. Information is made up of objects and instructions. Every object is a piece of information, and every instruction is made up of a set of information. Information can be either abstract or physical, depending on how it is codified and energized. Lawsin’s theory also denies the existence of a separate mental substance or a soul and explains consciousness as the aneural ability of an object to associate things with things. This phenomenon is known as Associative Consciousness.
Materialism is the view that everything is physical or can be explained by physical processes. Lawsin’s theory agrees that everything is physical in some sense, but not in the traditional sense of matter or energy. Lawsin’s theory defines physicals as objects that are both materials and by-materials and explains that matter is just one form of material. Lawsin’s theory also shows that there are other forms that are not derived from physicals, such as numbers and instructions. He called these non-materials as Abstracts.
Idealism is the view that everything is mental or can be explained by mental processes. Lawsin’s theory disagrees with this view and argues that everything is information, which can either be neural(mental) or anueral( non-mental), depending on how it is codified and energized. Lawsin’s theory also shows that there are other forms of abstracts that are not derived from the mind, such as structural inscriptions.
Scientism is the view that science is the only way to find truth and reality. Lawsin’s theory partially supports this view due to the fact science always deviates from the 100% accuracy rule. However, Lawsin’s Inscriptionism suggests that everything is bound by the laws of information and emergence and that its actions and behaviors are influenced by its IOs (intuitive objects) and EIs (embedded instructions).
Inscriptionism is the view formulated by Joey Lawsin who claims that creation of everything can be explained by the correlation of intuitive materials and embedded instructions. The equation can be formulated into a single notation which states that the summation of its external intuitive materials and internal embedded inscriptions is equal to the emergence of the interim entity.
Consciousness is the phenomenon of being aware of oneself and one’s surroundings. Lawsin’s theory explains consciousness unconventionally as a phenomenon of associative codexation. The theory proposes a seven-part formula where the emergence of self, which involves self-awareness, self-identity, self-realization, self-recognition, or self-expression, is one of the evolutionary orders.
What are the Law of Seven Inscriptions or the Non-Biological Criteria of life?
The seven-part formula that Lawsin proposed in his theory of Generated Interim Emergence is known as the Law of Seven Inscriptions, the new seven criteria of life. Its discovery was uncovered on the idea known as Inscription by Design. It consists of the following steps:
The mechanization of aliveness. This is the process of making a material object performs some basic functions, such as movement or animation through self-energization. This object is considered alive, but not aware or conscious. (energy)
The sensation of awareness. This is the process of adding sensory inputs to the object, such as vision, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. This allows the object to perceive its environment and react to stimuli. This object is considered aware, but not yet conscious. (sensors)
The logic of intuitiveness. This is the process of adding rational abilities to the object, such as logic, inference, or deduction through its sensors. This allows the design of the object's sensors to respond or make decisions based on its information inputs and outputs. The object is considered intuitive, but not inlearn, neural, or symbiotic. (logic)
The codification of consciousness. This is the process of associating an object(reality) with information(ideas), such as following, copying, discovering, or mimicking what it senses. This allows the object to respond with its surrounding. This anueral object is considered conscious, but not informed or inlearned. (codex)
The inlearness of information. This is the process of adding learning capabilities to the object through acquiring information in a queue. The various distinct structural designs of the its gnos that store individual information uniquely through the flowchart effect via information inputs and outputs that create experiences, behaviors, and feedbacks. This object is considered inlearn or inform, but not symbiotic or self-emergent. (inform)
The symbiosis of living. This is the process of adding social interactions to the object, such as cooperation or competition. This allows the object to form relationships and networks with other objects and benefit from their resources and support. This object is considered symbiotic but without self-realization, self-identity, or self-recognition yet. (living)
The emergence of self. This is the process of adding self-referentiality to the object, such as self-identity, self-expression, or self-reflection. This allows the object to recognize itself as a distinct entity and create its own meaning and values in life. This object can recognize itself, thoughts, feelings, actions, and experiences. (life)
According to Lawsin’s theory, these seven non-biological orders are necessary and sufficient in generating interims from being alive, living, and having life. He claims that this formula can be applied, partially or completely, to any intuitive object, whether natural or artificial, and that it can explain the origin, creation, and evolution of life.
What is the ultimate equation that governs everything?
The Theory of Generated Interim Emergence, also known as the Single or One Theory of Everything, is the mother of all equations that governs everything. The equation can be translated into a single statement which states that the summation of its external intuitive materials and internal embedded inscriptions is equal to the emergence of the interim entity.
The Variables:
GE = generated interim = I
IO = intuitive materials = A
EI = embedded inscriptions = N
n = number of elemental materials and embedded instructions
The Derivation:
if: an Interim emerges due to both objects & inscriptions
then: IE is equal to n(IO) and n(EI)
or: ∑GE=∑n(IO)+∑n(EI)
thus: ∑I = ∑A + ∑N
where: Lw is the unit of measurement.
The Verbatim:
"The Emergence of an Interim is equal to the number of the elemental materials in the object plus the number of instructions in its inscription." ~ the Single Theory of Everything.
"Everything exists because other things cause it to exist, otherwise, it exists and doesn't exist."
~ Joey Lawsin
About the Author :
Joey Lawsin is the author of "The Single Theory of Everything". He is a game-changer who wants to redesign the world by rewriting the textbooks in science, theology, and philosophy with new concepts that debunk the old social ideas of antiquity. He co-authored a book in Physics, pioneered the idea of a living system/machine known as Autognorics, and formulated the Single Theory of Everything, a concept that was uncovered from the Theories of "Inscription by Design", "Intuitive Machines", and "Generated Emergence". His works are aimed at finding solutions to Autism, Degenerative Treatment, and Emergence Medicine.
*Inscriptionist - sometimes called Lawsinist, is an individual with a passion in seeking or hunting the natural laws of the universe. Inscriptionists are inspired to uncover the beauty and elegance of formulas, equations, and natural laws in every nook and cranny of the universe to unearth the central dogma of life known as the Single Theory of Everything. Inscriptionism is its philosophical doctrine.
Sunday, August 8, 2021
The Formula of a Living Self-Conscious Machine

- Alive: Self-consumes energy without the need for neural or aneural reasoning.
- Aware: Sends and receives signals using sensors without the need for self-neural or aneural reasoning.
- Intuitive: Chooses this or that without the need for self-neural or aneural reasoning.
- Conscious: Matches things with things without the need for self-neural or aneural reasoning.
- Inlearn: Acquires and uses information fed by external sources.
- Living: Processes internal decisions and controls.
- Life: The emergence of Self or the essence of Being.
Age | Babies | Machines | Both |
1 mn | alive | alive | consumes energy (eat) |
1 dy | aware | aware | senses with sensors (cry/grab) |
6 mos | conscious | conscious | matches objects (point/play) |
1 yr | intuitive | intuitive | selects this or that (try/error) |
1.1 + | neural | aneural | informed / inlearned (mama/pa) |
1.5 + | living | living | process / controls (decide) |
2 + | self | self | emergence / being (life) |
Alive or aliveness is the ability of an organism to self-consume energy provided by an external source. Like for example, an infant, when guided properly, gets his/her energy from his/her mother's milk, an external source. A machine, when guided correctly, gets its energy from a charging station or a solar panel, another external source. Technically, by definition, the machine and baby are both considered alive since they both self-consume energy. To be alive means to self-consume energy provided by an external source.
Awareness, meanwhile, is redefined based on two prerequisites. First, the object is alive, and second, it is equipped with intuitive sensors. A newborn is aware because he/she consumes energy and his/her physical body is equipped with sensors like the ears, eyes, nose, and skin to name a few. However, these sensors function without the intervention of the brain at the early life stage of the baby. A machine is aware when it self-consumes energy and is automated with intuitive or wise sensors. These intuitive objects are triggered dimetrically by Inscription by Design. However, the baby and the machine are alive and aware but not conscious, intuitive, informed, and living yet. Thus, to be aware means to self-consume energy and to engage using sensors.
Intuitiveness or logic is redefined based on four determinants: aliveness, awareness, consciousness, and intuitiveness. An object is logical when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, codifies things, and can rationalize or choose. The self-ability to choose is the key factor in identifying when an object is logical. This behavior is influenced by the Theory of the Second Option or the This or That Rule. The baby and the machine, in this case, are alive, aware, conscious, and intuitive, but not yet neural, and living. Thus, to be intuitive means to self-consume energy, perceive using sensors, and ability to choose.
Consciousness or codification, on the other, is redefined bound by three requirements, namely, aliveness, awareness, and codification. An object is conscious when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, and codifies things. Codification or codexation is the key factor in identifying when an object is conscious or not. Codexation is the self-ability of an organism to associate an object with another object unknowingly. In other words, a machine is conscious when it self-consumes energy, is equipped with sensors, and matches objects. A baby, at a certain point in her/his early life, can stack colorful bricks unknowingly without the help of the brain. This action shows that one can be alive, aware, and conscious even without the help of the brain. However, the baby and the machine might be alive, aware, and conscious, but not yet rational, neural, and living. Thus, to be conscious means to self-consume energy, sense using sensors, logical, and match objects.
Inlearness is defined as contingent on five benchmarks: aliveness, awareness, consciousness, intuitiveness, and informness. An object is inlearned when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, codifies things, selects options, and acquires information. The self-ability to realize information is the key mark that identifies when an object is informed. Gnos ("informed") is a memory neuron classified as neural and aneural. In this section, the baby and the machine are alive, aware, conscious, intuitive, and aneural (a brain without the brain) both by default. Thus, to be inlearn means to self-consume energy, engage using sensors, match objects, intuitive, and acquire information.
Living is defined based on six criteria: aliveness, awareness, consciousness, intuitiveness, inlearness, and processiveness. An object is living when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, codifies things, selects options, possesses information, and processes information. Thus, to be living means to self-consume energy, sense, match, rationalize, inlearn, and make decisions.
Self is an emergent. It is synonymous with the essence of being a Being. It emerges when aliveness, awareness, consciousness, intuitiveness, inlearness, processiveness, and selfness are present. Thus, to be alive, living, and with life, the object "personally" consumes energy, senses signals, pairs things, selects options, possesses information, processes decisions, and emerges as the Self - the new seven criteria of Life.
To understand better the meaning of alive, living, and with life, in a different light, let us examine a person who is in comatose and with dementia. When a demented patient is no longer interacting socially, the person is no longer with life. When the same person can no longer recognize people, take care of himself, or make decisions, the person is no longer living. When a person is still taking sustenance from food, such a person is still alive but no longer living and with life. When he stops consuming energy, the person is now considered dead. A comatose is alive but no longer living and with life. Death also follows the seven orders of life only in reverse order.
In brief, the newly revised seven evolutionary criteria of life are as follows:
- Alive
- Aware
- Intuitive
- Conscious
- Inlearn
- Living
- Self
ISBN: 978-1-3123-8454-5 |
~ "Awareness emerges because of biological sensors." ~ Joey Lawsin
About the Author:
Joey Lawsin is the author of "Biotronics: the Silver Species". He is a game-changer who wants to redesign the world by rewriting the textbooks in science, theology, and philosophy with new concepts that debunk the old social ideas of antiquity. He co-authored a book in Physics, pioneered the idea of a living machine known as Autognorics, and formulated the Single Theory of Everything, a concept that was uncovered from the Theories of "Inscription by Design", "Intuitive Machines", and "Interim Emergence". His works are mainly aimed at finding solutions on Autism, Degenerative Treatment, and Emergence Medicine.
Friday, January 1, 2021
Generated Interim Emergence
Within this theory, various aspects of human existence—such as thoughts, emotions, dreams, behaviors, and senses—are emergents that contribute to what we collectively define as life. Analogously, these emergents depicts the bossa nova melodies emerging from a jazz ensemble’s Concierto, or the vibrant hues of a rainbow arising from the diverse frequencies of light waves or the bits of zero and one that form the digital worlds of computers. All these generated emergents are called Interims.
Thus, an Interim is an entity that emerges only under specific conditions. For instance: Gravity only emerges when two nearby objects exert mutual attraction. Fire only arises from the interaction of oxygen, heat, and fuel. The mathematical constant π (pi) only emerges when a circle is on board. Gravity, Fire, and Pi are interims because other factors bring them into being; otherwise, all of them remain latent.
Life itself is an Interim. It emerges through the interplay of materials and instructions. This twoness of materials and instructions emerges from the interwoven relationship between Abstracts and Physicals, which trace back to the fundamental concepts of Space and Shape. Physicals consist of tangible of materials and by-materials. Abstracts encompass non-material attributes. Examples of by-materials include pressure, temperature, animation, awareness, and consciousness—each arising as emergent of materials.Intuitive Objects are physical materials embedded with information or instructions. A ruler is an intuitive object with both natural and artificial instructions embedded in its structure, composition, geometries, and design. Its inherent functionality as a lever represents its natural aspect. Simultaneously, the ruler serves as a measurement tool, embodying its artificial purpose. The varying information in the ruler depends on its design. This generated instructions from structural design is called Inscription by Design.
Inscription by Design is the first foundation of Lawsin’s Single Theory of Everything. It explains how everything is made up of materials and instructions, and how these instructions emerge from the design of the object. It also shows how new objects with new instructions can be created by modifying the design of the object. It is a universal principle that applies to both natural and artificial objects, and to both physical and abstract objects. Everything comes with instructions. When a simple object becomes a complex object, each and every piece of instructions that makes the object complex becomes an inscriptional algorithm.
According to Inscriptionism, first put forward by Joey Lawsin life is a complex system that comes with various individual algorithms. It actually emerges following its seven evolutionary stages, namely, alive, aware, conscious, intuitive, inlearn, living, and the emergence of the Self. To be alive signifies self-consumption of energy. It’s the vital force that sustains existence. Awareness emerges when an entity possesses sensors capable of interacting with its environment. Consciousness involves sensing and matching objects, creating a coherent associative representation. Intuition manifests as the ability to make choices or select options based on innate understanding without explicit reasoning. Inlearning refers to acquiring and utilizing information. To be living, an entity combines the attributes of being alive, aware, conscious, intuitive, and inlearned. And to have life, one is alive, aware, conscious, intuitive, inlearn, living, and the essence of being. He first came up with the definition of life when he was in high school and proved it after twenty years while working on Originemology and Autognorics.
To understand better the meaning of alive, living, and with life, let us examine a person with dementia. When a demented patient is no longer interacting socially, the person is no longer with life. When the same person can no longer recognize people, take care of himself, or make decisions, the person is no longer living. When a person is still taking sustenance from food, such a person is still alive but no longer living and with life. When he stops consuming energy, the person is now considered dead. Death also follows the six orders of life in reverse order.
To be alive, living, and with life are three things that are not the same much like awareness, consciousness, and self-consciousness are three things that are not the same as well. Each one of them is uniquely different.
Codification and energization are two concepts that are related to the process of inscription by design, according to Joey Lawsin’s Single Theory of Everything. Codification is the process of associating information. Energization is the process of activating information.
The theory of Generated Interim Emergence, uses the concepts of codification and energization to explain how everything emerges from instructions and materials. According to Lawsin’s theory, everything is an intuitive object (material) with embedded instruction (information), and that when it is energized, various algorithmic process along the way produces new materials and instructions and an animation phenomenon known as Animated Reality.
The transformation of a seed into a majestic tree provides a tangible example of the principles outlined in the Lawsin Single Theory of Everything (STOE).
Let’s break it down:
1. Seed as Information Codex:
A seed contains embedded information, much like an intricate blueprint. As it grows, branches, and produces its leaves and fruits, various instructions and materials gradually emerge too along the way.
This instructions and materials dictate the type of tree it will become.
2. Interim Emergence:
These materials, and the embedded instructions that simultaneously come along with them, serve as the raw ingredients necessary for the seed’s transformation.
These emergence of instructions and materials orchestrate cell division, root elongation, and shoot formation.
3. Materials and Instructions:
The surrounding environment—temperature, humidity, and light—plays a crucial role in shaping the seedling’s growth trajectory. As the seed germinates, it draws upon external materials: soil, water, sunlight, and nutrients.
The materials absorbed from the soil contribute to the tree’s physical structure—its trunk, branches, and leaves.
Meanwhile, the generated instructions continue to guide the processes like photosynthesis, flowering, and fruit production.
4. Nature’s Role:
Nature, as the keeper of information, ensures that the tree adheres to its species-specific characteristics.
The tree’s form, leaf shape, and reproductive strategies all align with the broader patterns encoded in the natural world.
In this beautiful dance of materials and instructions, the emergence of life transpires—a testament to the interconnectedness of all things. The seed’s journey from dormancy to flourishing tree exemplifies the principles Lawsin proposes in his STOE. The emergence can also be equated into formula.
Lawsin also translates his Theory of Generated Interim Emergence into a simple equation:
can be translated into a single statement that states that the summation of its external intuitive
materials and internal embedded inscriptions is equal to the emergence of the entity.
The Variables:
GE = interim emergence (I)
IO = intuitive objects (A)
EI = embedded inscriptions (N)
n = number of actual materials
i = number of instructions
a = number of actual entity
The Derivation:
if: GE emerges due to both objects & inscriptions
then: GE is equal to n(IO) and i(EI)
or: ∑GE=∑n(IO)+∑i(EI)
thus: ∑I = ∑A + ∑N
where: Lw is the unit of measurement.
The Verbatim:
"The summation of Emergent is equal to the summation elements of its objects plus the
summation instructions of its inscriptions." ~ the Single Theory of Everything.
One of the main purposes of the Single Theory is to cure cancer by understanding the materials and instructions that cause the cancer to exist.
*This excerpt and the complete solution of the final equation can be found in his book on Autognorics.
"One cannot have awareness unless one is equipped with sensors." ~ Joey Lawsin
*Inscriptionist - sometimes called Lawsinist, is an individual with a passion in seeking or hunting the natural laws of the universe. Inscriptionists are inspired to uncover the beauty and elegance of formulas, equations, and natural laws in every nook and cranny of the universe to unearth the central dogma of life known as the Single Theory of Everything. Inscriptionism is its philosophical doctrine.
About the Author :
Joey Lawsin is the author of "Autognorics". He is a trailblazer who wants to change the world by rewriting textbooks in science, theology, and philosophy with new concepts that debunk the old social ideas of antiquity. He published a book in Physics, created a conscious machine known as ELFS, and formulated the Single Theory of Everything, a concept that was uncovered from the Theories of "Inscription by Design", "Intuitive Machines", and "Generated Interim Emergence".
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
20 Most Common Theories on the Origin of Life
by Joey Lawsin
However, one key characteristic of life discovered in the study of originemology was the ability of an organism to codify, which is the ability to associate what it senses with what it senses. This behavior is known as Codexation. If an organism has a biological sensor with a capacity to sense, then such a life-form can match things. The skin is the largest organ that carries enormous sensors that are distributed all over its surface. If all organisms have skins, therefore, all plants and animals are alive, with life, and living. This definition also pertains to biotronics and zoikrons. (Lawsin1988)
It is known that humans are a collection of thousands of billions of cells. These cells are fundamentally similar to those of all animals and plants. Each cell type is made up of a nucleus, cytoplasm, and a substance called protoplasm. The fundamental mechanism of cells is a function of their nucleic acids and proteins. The nucleic acid is believed to carry genetic information or codes. Although all cells contain identical nucleic acids, some of them become specialized in forming bone cells, teeth cells, liver cells, blood cells, skin cells, or hair cells. But how these cells "know" what type of specialized cells they must become is still unknown. Since life cannot be explained solely by physics and chemistry, let us try smart geometry or the Dimetrix of Viegenesis.
- 1ROOT - |
This new theory proposes that the creation of the universe began when the primeval dualpair of space and shape, coupled together as one, gradually evolved, inscripting and emerging simultaneously, through the process of creation. This dualistic pair, the shape of something and the space of nothing, was parts of the whole where each part then become the whole. The presence of something, called physicals, was the material plane where physical objects evolved. The absence of nothing, called abstracts, was the immaterial plane where abstract objects have evolved. This dualpairing of physicals and abstracts that evolved into Instruction and Material, the building blocks of life, gave birth to the creation and evolution of everything and everyone.
In the beginning, there were only two entities that exist — space (abstracts) and shape (physicals). This homogenous space-shape entity eventually evolved into a heterogeneous substance of material named WavMon and the immaterial unit called Wylzan. This dualpairing of Wavmon and Wylzan sparked the Evolution of Creation and created a universe made up of two dimensions: the material world called primesclisian (meaning the first slice) and the immaterial world called nalwsclisian (meaning the alter slice).
Before the birth of this isodimensional (meaning equal planes) universe, at the very beginning of its motionless and static existence, this Dualpair at a certain point could have interacted together chemically, physically, or mechanically due to the varying compositions of its masses over its volumetric contents. This transformational event which I can speculate to be a moment of physical-chemical, cause-effect, action-reaction interactions. eventually created a gap and mechanically inscripted the very first lawsinic instruction: (to) Move. This gap in the fabric of location created the phenomenon of motion — the wavmon wiggles.
From this singular movement, various particles and parameters were born dramatically. One of these parameters was — empty space. When the wavmon moved, it created an empty space and a perimeter wall. As it drifted towards the gap and touched its circumferential wall, the wavmon bounced back in the opposite direction as it spewed creating the phenomena of vibration. When it bounced away from the internal wall, the size of the wavmon became lesser than its original size. The small amount of size that was lost has been converted to waves that were spewed out externally all over outside the emptyspace forming wavelets. These waves' vibrations forced the wavmon again to drift towards the empty space wall and the cycle went on and on until its total size transformed completely into waves. Eventually, the mass-wave force-energy relationship created new parameters of particles and instructions.
The Particle Evolution:
The mass wave was the material side of the wavmon. The force-energy was its by-material side. In the material world, the masswave was more dominant than the energyforce. While in the by-material world, the energyforce was more dominant than the masswave. From this two-dimensional structure categorized as the second wave of creation, the wavmon evolved, transformed, and regrouped to form a new kind of entity called elemental particles.
In the primesclisian world, Particles that are masswave are called monicles. They are physical objects called Matter. Particles that are energyforce are called wavicles. They are physical objects called By-Matter. Monicles and wavicles are the dualpair that created the Family of Particles. Monicles evolved into protons, neutrons, electrons, gravitons, magnetrons, and photons to name a few. Wavicles, on the other hand, evolved into protavs, neutravs, electravs, gravitavs, magnetravs, and photavs. All these particles contained the dualpairs of force energy and mass wave. Wavicles were the alterpairs of Monicles. Particles were structured in a reciprocating tri-dimensional system inscripted into the principle of 1ROOT or One Rule One Object Theory.
When monicles and wavicles coexisted and worked together as partners, various atomic particles evolved. These cosmic particles grouped, regrouped, and transformed into the matter with bymatter. Matter became a system and by-matter became the alter system. Visible materials belong to the Family of Matter, while invisible parameters belong to the Family of By-matter. Force, energy, mass, impulse, heat, pressure, signals, and waves are some examples of By-matter. They always co-exist when matter is present. Chemical elements are examples of Matter.
Meanwhile, in the nawlsclisian world, the non-particles are called Wylzan. They are Abstracts. They are non-materials. They do not have matter and by-matter. They purely evolved into information, instructions, and procedures. They create forms, dimensions, mathematics, sequence, patterns, rules, and laws. They arise along with inScription and Dimetrix.
The GOD Theory:
From the particle evolution or chemical evolution, another level of evolution came into the picture which I named The GOD Theory or the *Grand Organisms Dispersion Theory or the plentitude principle (Lawsin 1988). The theory proposes that species came from multiple ancestors rather than one common descent. It suggests that when atomic particles transformed into elements and simple molecules, they polymerized into macromolecules and developed eventually into cells. These cells were dispersed afloat over the oceans worldwide. Through the process of mutations, either in form of radiations or reproductions, these cells eventually conquered the lands. Through the process of creation and evolution, they gradually evolved into various families of species.
Gnesis Hypothesis:
Another hypothetical supposition I am working on is the G-nesis or the creation by gravity. Scientists believe that animals and plants evolve on earth because the earth revolves just at the right distance from the sun. If it does not, the earth will be hotter like venus or cooler than mars. However, scientists have forgotten that creation and evolution exist due to the right amount of gravity. Think about it this way. Since Jupiter has a greater amount of pull of gravity it is hard for an object to walk or even move at all on its surface. Likewise, since Neptune has the least gravitational pull, obviously an object has no way to stay afoot. Both scenarios prevent any living objects to procreate and propagate. (my two cents, lol)
Here are the 20 Most Common Theories on the Origin of Life:
1. Essentialism - various species evolved the way they are - unalterable.
2. Lucretius Theory - life is developed by naturalistic mechanisms.
3. Haeckel Theory - a progressive process that leads to the evolution of man.
4. Lamarck Theory - the transmutation of species
5. Darwinism - man, and ape descended from a common ancestor
6. Abiogenesis - life emerges from non-living objects
7. Viegenesis - life is self-created by the dualpairing of instruction and material
8. GOD Theory - grand organism dispersion theory or the plenitude principle.
9. Orthogenesis - life has the tendency to evolve.
10. Saltationism - species evolved in a sudden large mutation/transformation
11. Mendelian genetics- theory on the laws of segregation and assortment
12. Mugaddimahism - Islamic theory that asserts humans developed from the "world of the monkeys"
13. Genesis - a supernatural being created everything
14. Pangenesis - hypothetical theory of heredity
15. The Animation Effect - matter is alive (animated) since the beginning of time.
16. Gaia Hypothesis - living and living things are but one gigantic organism.
17. Panspermia - life on earth may have come from outer space
18. Biogenesis - life comes only from life and not from nonliving things
19. Space Brother Hypothesis -life is a descendant of extraterrestrial aliens or space human beings.
20. Molecular Phylogenetics- gene-centered theory on the molecular sequence.
The Big Bang Theory corrected:
Scientists believe that the Big Bang happened in an empty space called a vacuum. If this is true then all its debris will speed radially away from the center all at the same rate continuously forever in frictionless space. If it started from nothing and became something, then where would all the materials come from? If they say that an atom is a 99% percent empty space and 1% material, then the universe actually started from the duality of something and nothing. How many is 1% of this material during the big bang?
Although the big bang is a misnomer, the universe actually did not explode and there was no big bang sound. The universe simply expanded and cooled over time. At this point, simple atoms first come to exist. They collide with each other forming new heavier elements. All the physical and chemical laws begin to work with each other forming suns and planets. Over time, the cosmos was created.
Second, stars and all the solid objects in space will not piece together when everything is moving at the same rate in frictionless space. Since all the debris is expanding, creating huge gaps between each other depending on the size of its chunks, the formation of these stars and galaxies is impossible.
* By definition, the universe encompasses all of space and time, so it is beyond the realm of the Big Bang model to postulate what the universe is expanding into. In either an open or close universe, the only "edge" to space-time occurs at the Big Bang (and perhaps its counterpart the Big Crunch) and so it is not logically necessary to consider the question.
* It is beyond the realm of the Big Bang Model to say what gave rise to the Big Bang. There are several speculative theories about this topic, but none of them make realistically testable predictions as of yet.
Fourth, is the Flatness problem. This problem has to do with the geometry of the universe. If the big bang originated from a point in space, the geometry of the universe should be circular or spherical and not elliptical as detected by CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation). The expansion rate on all sides must be equally spaced since its material density and volumetric expansion are proportional.
Fifth is the Horizon problem. No matter which direction you look in the universe, the temperature is exactly the same in all directions. So, how could heat be transferred from one point to another if space is a vacuum? Radiation? Particles or waves? Since there are no particles in a vacuum, then it is through waves that heat can move from one place to another. But what is heat? Scientifically, heat is a form of energy created by the motions of atoms or molecules. So heat is a by-product of something with a mass - a material object. If radiation is made up of photons like visible light, then photons should have mass. But scientists don't believe that photons have masses. So the next option, let us look at the waves -- electrical charge or magnetic force? A plasma wave? How then heat and energy can be transported through plasma? Through the whistler wave or the supersonic bow shock? But these two theories still need particles. Whatever the case may be, even with all these scientific contrasts, heat and temperature can only be produced when something material (with a mass) is present. The formula of temperature and heat speaks for something that has mass.
Although the very very hot big bang is only a theory, it is still the most complete and scientifically sound model of the early universe until the string, black holes, and branes theory came into the picture.
This is an article provided by an online friend about Darwin’s explanation of how one species changes into another: It is a variation of *Lamarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics (*Nicholas Hutton III, Evidence of Evolution, 1962, p. 138). This is called pangenesis - a hypothetical theory of heredity. Darwin said that an organ affected by the environment would respond by giving off particles that he called gemmules. These particles supposedly helped determine hereditary characteristics. The environment would affect an organ; gemmules would drop out of the organ; and the gemmules would travel to the reproductive organs, where they would affect the cells (*W. Stansfield, Science of Evolution, 1977, p. 38). Scientists today are ashamed of Darwin’s ideas.
In the first edition of his book, Darwin regarded "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest" as different concepts. By the sixth edition of his Origin of the Species, he thought they meant the same thing, but that "survival of the fittest" was the more accurate. In a still later book (Descent of Man, 1871), Darwin ultimately abandoned "natural selection" as a hopeless mechanism and returned to Lamarckism. Even Darwin recognized the theory was falling to pieces. The supporting evidence just was not there.
The theories of evolution and the Big Bang are the two mainstream theories accepted in the scientific communities. However, as we know that there are lots of other theories about the origin of life. But because of some guidelines, for a theory to become a universal principle or law, it has to pass four stages - possibility, probability, falsification, and proven, these ideas were not given serious attention due to the facts that to be a possible theory, one must be reconcilable with existing facts. To be a probable theory, one must be reconcilable more with facts, evidence, and laws. And, to be a proven theory, one must always provide an exceptional outcome of the law, and can be falsified.
*The discovery of wylzan in 1988 ranks as an important milestone in the history of Creationism. This informatics particle was discovered by chance during an experiment on Intelligence Konstant with two extreme breeds of dogs: a Malamute and a Chihuahua as experimental specimens. The experiment was designed to determine the single key factor that defines what makes life based on the principles behind Originemology, the study of the origin of origins.
*Abstract - is something that is not something - nothing. It is something without mass, the material stuff that makes a physical object. It is not tangible. It is not physical. It is immaterial - without a physical form - incorporeal - no physical existance (substance). It is sometimes the by-product of the physical world e.g. software, energy, colors, and notions all of which could exist but could not exist without the help of the external physical world (The Lawsinium Codexation Dilemma).
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