In the year 2020, the theory behind the Evolution of Creation was popularly accepted worldwide. The theory of the origin of creation was based on a set of natural instructions generated through the dual pairing of something and nothing. The scientific breakthrough was the turning point that influenced the minds of human beings of all colors - black, white, brown, red, yellow, pink, silver, and green - to unite together as one big family for the betterment of the world.
Representatives from every nation have gathered together to establish a united organization known as the Grand Organization of Democratic Society, acronym G.O.D.S. It is the central governing body of the world tasked to formulate policies, oversees resources and enforces the rules of the land. Its primary mission is to provide decent meals on every table, a roof on every head, and a life of happiness for everyone to enjoy. Its battle cry: "Life is 10% Work and 90% Merriment". Its catchword: “People help People".
Its highest organization is the Stellar Circle. It is the international administrative body made up of the supreme principles and the six heads of the states — Asia, Africa, the Americas, Australia, AEurope, and the Arctics. The Circle was institutionalized for the sole purpose of serving the needs and desires of every single individual in the world. Its two Supreme Principles -- The North Stellar and The South Stellar -- are the superdualpair that serves as the "Word of the World". The North Stellar formulates ideas while the South Stellar carries the ideas into reality. Through the body, banking and finance, tax collections, and other forms of monetary transactions were officially declared as things of the past. Money, thought to be the evil promoter of all forms of corruption, has been eradicated forever. Even the beliefs in gods and goddesses have been discarded. Religions have been totally abandoned.
The cultic obsessions of religious fanatics have been the main hypothetical basis of social experiments on mass-afflicted delusion syndrome, codenamed M.A.D. This form of mental malfunction or illness has been characterized by the unreasonable behavior or conviction of devotees who faithfully worship supernatural beings or imaginary deities. The study has identified two groups of people which after rigid experimentation has concluded that both groups evidently have been afflicted by the crackpot syndrome. The first group, who makes up 10% of the population, has been labeled as crackpots due to their belief that God does not exist. The other group, the remaining 80% considered as the majority, has been labeled crackpots too due to their beliefs in some form of gods. The study revealed that humans most of the time tend to incline with the views of the majority - an Appeal by the Many. Because of this decisive sophism, the practice of believing in God or gods became an accepted norm to many unsuspecting innocent devotees. Also, medical experts infer that a person or group of persons claiming a theory, a belief, or an argument to be true without any supporting proof is a telltale sign of a crackpot. Although religious counterparts argue that there are things that can not be proven or explained by science but can be accepted to be existent and factual, proof still matters.
Other empirical research, contributed by top-notch medical neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and other related disciplines all over the world, has suggested some comprehensive psychological experiments about why some human beings are so zealously devoted to gods. These experts or specialists unequivocally concluded that such behaviors are primarily related to the cerebral disorder. Medical diagnosis reveals that 80% of the world population who believe in some type of gods have a malfunction in the right and left entorhinal cortexes located in the inner parts of the left and right temporal lobes of their brains which psychologically triggers delusions and depressions. It has been also pointed out from the research, that due to this mental anomaly, some world leaders especially those affiliated with religious organizations are considered big contributors to the world’s oppression, injustice, famine, wars, genocides, and other humans’ sufferings. This psychopathological condition which enhances phantasmagoria is the key factor why religions are no longer taught in school.
Avoiding the same path of embarrassment from the public, the science community has been concentrating on a healthier and greener world. They even technologically developed a very complex production and consumption barter method known as pX.
The Point Exchange System (pX) is a crucial tool greatly needed for the survival of the world and for the survival of every individual. It is regarded as the vehicle of life. Since selling is a thing of the past, humans work for points to "buy" items. Points are stored in an ATM-like pocket-size monetary system card abbreviated as A.M.T. (automatic money transfer). Points are automatically received by every person who provides skills or services. These points are encoded into the AMT card and transmitted to the central terminal. One point is equivalent to one minute of work. 240 points, which is equal to 4 hours of work, is equivalent to a one-week salary. These points can buy 3 decent meals, rent a technically sophisticated room in a high-end condominium, and lease a biotronic for a week. Px is also comprehensively free among adults over 60 years old, special individuals, and kids under 15 years of age. Goods and services are continuously delivered to these oldies, abecedarians, and kiddies without restrictions.
The networks of transportation, called Superstations, are the main backbone of commerce and pleasure. They are strategically located all over the world for easy accessibility. Every substation houses multibillions of billions worth of superconductive electromagnetic trains. The operations and controls of these complex superstations are all hooked up to two central command hubs fittingly named Linear Activated WorkStation Information Network. Bullet trains are operated remotely by these computerized smart hubs, and boarding schedules are systematically programmed here to provide a smooth flow of information internationally. These hubs are ingeniously built in a highly secured top-secret environment to overcome any forms of massive destruction or unforeseen natural events. These networks of transportation can ferry billions of commuters all over the world continuously 24/7.
Intelligent condominiums are built half a mile away from every substation. These glass-tinted solar-powered buildings are accessible by compact electrical cars, aerodynamically bikes, automatic walkways, biologics, or the traditional way of walking. In this state-of-the-art smart apartment, all computerized appliances can be activated by AMT cards. Points are deducted from this card when utilizing electricity, water, gas, and personal supplies. Food can be ordered through the refrigerator’s screen, TV channels can be ordered through the flat-screen monitor and other forms of entertainment and pleasure can be ordered online. The best feature of this room; all pieces of electrical equipment are voice-activated. Simple commands, like the sunset on a beach or starry night sky in grassland, can change the mood of a room.
Education becomes a RIGHT for each and every person on earth. Professional and technical courses, which hone one's own job qualifications and preferences, are all taken online. Certification barcodes, issued by the World Education Organization WEO, are embedded electronically into the AMT card after completion of any courses. These barcodes serve as proof that authenticates the mental and skill capacity and capability of an individual. They are widely used anywhere around the world as a passport in job hunting and matching. Students are encouraged by WEO to enroll in different professional careers to fit themselves into various kinds of work when a job preference is not available in a certain community, state, or country.
Scientific English has been consensually chosen as the universal language of communication. This system of words is similar to the modern version of English with a minor deviation. The common rules of grammar have been modified in a more logical approach – “no more exceptions to the rules”. A good example where exceptions are abandoned for good is the noun-verb agreement in its present form. The rule states that when a noun is singular, no ‘s’ should be added to the verb; but, when the noun is in plural form, then an ‘s’ must be added to the verb. The letters of the alphabet, which are made up of a dual pair of lines and curves, are also converted to binary digits to give way to the digital world of computers.
Mankind learns a different mindset about economics. Manufacturing companies, shopping malls, recreational centers, hospitals, schools, high-rise condominiums, and all other business establishments are now owned by the people. Banks, courts, churches, police stations, and jailhouses are things of the past. Even the production, distribution, and consumption of goods or services are no longer run by any business tycoons or capitalists. They are managed by the people. Communities all over the world are set up identically for every community. They are made up of farmers who still cultivate farms, fishermen who still cast nets, manufacturers who still produce goods, and public servants who still support the day-to-day business of the community. Teachers, doctors, and soldiers have even new roles in society. Soldiers are tasked to defend the world from extraterrestrial aggressions and natural catastrophic events. Doctors and other medical care providers, who are all computechnologically savvy, are tasked to serve without prejudice any patients whether humans or homotronics. Teachers are strictly mandated to teach subjects that conform to the guidelines of WEO and GODS. Beliefs about god theory, string theory, Big Bang theory, and other identified ideological philosophies are banned from high schools to colleges. These subjects can only be taught exclusively to those who are taking up a master's or doctoral degree. Accountants, attorneys, CEOs, managers, law enforcers, criminals, the homeless, and prostitutes are no longer considered occupations. They have all been declared as -- the things of the past.
Conversely, a new kid in the block joins the ranks of this society – the silver species. They are robots with life. They behave like normal humans and normal animals. They are all called Biotronics. Human-like robots, appropriately christened Homotronics, walk, talk, see, hear, feel, and think like humans. The only difference between humans and homotronics is that the latter are wired. These biotronics are the brainchild of a dean’s list student fittingly nicknamed Wylzan. He dexterously programs most of his bioelectromechanical inventions exactly like the way they live in their natural habitat. Wylzan fondly loves to call his artificial intelligent creatures like Wavmon. They are manufactured in a quiet suburb of California under the umbrella of Biotechno Inc. The company produces various kinds of biotronics species of lizards, flies, dogs, and all other electronic-mechanical living organisms. Because of their metallic skin color, biotronics are sometimes called silver species.
The name Wylzan is the pseudonym of an award-winning investigative biophysicist, a brilliant abiotronic engineer, and an accomplished author. His sci-fiction and non-fiction books reveal his empirical discoveries and immense knowledge on matters such as viegenesis, abiozoics, dimetrix, astral projection, time travel, associative intelligence, and the Nth space of dimensions. His technical expertise in the fields of programmable logic circuitry, pneumatics, hydraulics, digital electronics, telemetry, computer architecture, and software programming made him a brilliant inventor, an Imagineer, and a percent. His theories on dualpairing and creation by laws, which led to the concepts of energyforce and wavemass, and branch out to dimensional math and biotronics, and eventually influenced the world, earned him the title "Father of Abiozoics".
And for the last 20 years of his life, since the time he started searching for the origin of existence and solving the puzzle and purpose of life, he knew he was not alone in his quest. He felt that the invisible mysterious force energy which had been guiding him throughout his research was symbiotically influential in his work on the Evolution of Creation.
As Wylzan comfortably reclined in his rocking chair, constantly staring at his first book Creation by Laws, a flashback wonders in his mind, recalling the days and nights, the odds and sacrifices as he was developing the principle of dualpairing.
It was a starry night, when ...
Scene 1 - The discovery of negacles and posicles.
Scene 2 - The proof of dualpair theory was unearthed.
Scene 3 - The equation that formulated creation.
Scene 4 - Evolution in the fourth dimension.
Scene 5 - The theory of everything is revealed.
Scene 6 - The genuine crackpot.
Scene 7 – Viagenesis: the unpublished theory.
Scene 8 - A Nobel prize winner notices his paper.
Scene 9 - The second coming begins - "Life".
Scene 10 - The transition - the world reorganized.
Scene 11 - The Rise of the Silver Species
Final Chapter - Wylzan and his real world.
if you believe in politics, that is good
if you believe in god, that is okay
if you believe in god, that is okay
if you believe in science, that is better
but if we can set aside these ideologies,
then a common good with a single purpose
will make the world a better place to live.
"Everything exists because other things cause it to exist."
~ Sir Joey Lawsin.