by Joey Lawsin
The arguments **...
(Q)uestion: ... If we find a design in the universe …we naturally expect a designer ...
(A)nswer:... This is an error in thinking.
It is not always true that if we find a design in the universe...we naturally expect a designer in the form of a being or divine being.
In the book Creation by Law, the Evolution of Instruction was the designer that formed the Intelligence of Creation. The universe was created by a set of instructions which was created by the universe itself. [Viegenesis]
What about if I tell you that YOU created the universe, will you believe me?
Before I give you the answers, let me first discuss some important topics here.
Q:... Creation demands a Creator...
A:... Although the Bible speaks of creation by a divine being, it doesn't mean that creation always needs a "human" creator. Creation could be designed by the vibration pointed out in string theory, the chemical elements in the Big Bang, or it could be a set of developing instructions proposed by the Theory of Viegenesis.
To create something, two important factors must be present. First, there must be a designer, ... but remember not a life-form, .... and second, there must be building materials.
A painter needs paints to come up with a portrait .... a mechanic needs parts to assemble a car .... the universe needs matter to form the universe ... In the first two examples, we see that someone must exist before something is made. However, in the last example, we see that something must exist before something is created.
That something could be chemical elements, space strings, vibrations, or a set of natural procedures.
Q:...Science agrees with the Bible that the universe has not always existed.........
A: It could be since it has to undergo the process of creation and evolution like with all other things.
Q: ......But how then did the universe arise?.........
A: Through the process of creation, by evolution of creation.
Q: ......Did it come from nothing?.........
A: In viegenesis views, the universe started from something and nothing - a dualpair.
Q: .....Scientific truth is valuable...but limited.........Science can describe the "how" of nature to a certain extent.........But it cannot answer the deeper philosophical questions...such as "why the universe"?...
A: There are many reasons: one is the cause and effect principle; or two, because of the principles behind the theory of viegenesis.
Q: .....and 'what is the purpose of human beings?"........
A: Since we live in a mechanical universe and mechanical life, like the gears and springs in a mechanical clock working together with individual roles to achieve a common purpose, human beings are like gears and rods on this universal clock. Everything and everyone is parts and parcels of "The Great Shape" (the Law of Pericorpus, Lawsin 2000).
Q: .....The Bible does answer those questions.........Science can demonstrate that the universe began...but by itself, it cannot reveal what...or Who...caused that beginning.........
What caused the beginning was the dualpairing of something and nothing.
Who caused the beginning... It is the Law of systemic instructions or simply the Evolutionary Law of The Laws.
Q:...Life demands a life-giver..........
A: This is correct but this does not mean that the life-giver is again a divine being. In the viegenesis view, force energy is the life-giver that animates matter. In the viagenesis view, a vibrating source is the life-giver that gives life to matter and energy.
Q: .....Scientists have tried in vain to create life from non-life...or even from "soups"* of laboratory chemicals.........They have utterly failed........ The law of biogenesis states that life can only come from life........... As true science can only come from life.......... The Bible explains that life originally came from the life-giver.........God gave physical life to human beings and many other life forms........
A: It is true that life begets life. This simple principle tells us that natural non-living things have a life too. In fairness, scientists could not achieve this transformation because there are living chemicals, or as I called them vitalic materials that have not yet been discovered by man. Scientists started on the wrong foot when they proposed the Big Bang theory.
Q: ...*Laws demand a lawgiver........
A: This is correct but the Laws could also evolve side by side through the evolutionary process of creation. So the law itself is created one at a time through accidental discovery from its surroundings or environment. (Read the Theory of Environs and the Think Factor).
Q: .....Science discovered that our physical universe appeared from nothing.........
A: A false notion as to how I believe it. The universe itself has tremendous evidence that shows universally that something (matter) and nothing (energy) must coexist to exist. (Codexation Dilemma). By the way, nothing here means that the atom is 99% space and 1% matter. So it seems that an atom is almost nothing.
Q: ......But how did this happen?......... Science cannot explain the origin of the universe...but there must be an answer.........
A: Evolution of Creation. The Law of Viegenesis, The Law of Dualparing. The Law of Pericorpus. The Law of Codexation. The Theory of Instructions and Materials.
These laws are neither scientific nor biblical, they are just in front of our eyes. They are universally or generally in existence on everything. You see these laws individually functioning in plants, animals, and the whole universe.
Q:...Contrary to what some believe...the Bible's simple answer is consistent with true science........... The Bible does not tell us when this original creation occurred...only that there was a beginning of time...and a beginning of the universe.........
A: I know this is very important to both science and religion. But in my humble opinion, I see all this evidence all around me, so I believe that there was a time when even time did not exist at all? But science someday shortly will soon find an answer. The mere fact that I see a drop of water on my desk already suggests that it came from something. It has a beginning or origin.
Q: .....Science and the Bible agree that the universe began...and that it immediately operated according to predictable natural laws.........When the universe came into existence...all the laws of physics and chemistry were intact...they did not evolve.........
A: This concept is totally false based on viegenesis. In the first place, laws are not unpredictable or erratic. Laws are always in order and all these systemic laws did not come as a package. They gradually evolved just like all other things.
Q: .....Albert Einstein was amazed at the intelligence he saw in natural law.........He called human intelligence...compared to that superior intelligence revealed in natural law..." an utterly insignificant reflection"............That far superior intelligence behind the laws of the universe is the God who created the universe....the great Lawgiver.........
A: Human intelligence if it really exists is just a part of the natural intelligence which is again a part of a bigger intelligence I called The Law. Now please do not confuse yourself that these laws are like written laws. A single law is like a switch that turns on and off a system (laws in the system, creation by-laws).
Q: ....*Design demands a designer.........
A: If this statement is analogous to a chair and chairmaker, then the Law of codexation will not permit an abstract design by a physical designer without resorting to the material world. And if in case the designer is imaginary then the design will also be imaginary because Abstracts beget abstracts; physicals beget physicals ( the Zizo effect).
Q:...Not only do we find predictable physical laws throughout the universe...we find tremendous evidence of intelligent design.........The human body...for example...shows insurmountable evidence of design.........Consider the human eye.........Even Darwin admitted that "complex organs such as the eye would be difficult to explain in terms of the gradual stepwise process outlined by his theory..........
A: As I said all these complexities started from simplicity, everything evolved from a single step, then another step, then another step until a point where an organism becomes a complex entity. But if you dissect this complex entity backward in slow motion frame by frame you will see that it is simply one law at a time (Law of Originemology).
Q:...Many may choose to ignore evidence of design behind the laws that govern the universe...and behind the universe itself...but in the face of so much evidence it takes greater faith to believe in a godless universe than to follow the evidence to its logical conclusion...the evidence of a Creator God who set in place His laws for a purpose.........
A: You are correct there is tremendous overwhelming evidence, but sometimes our eyes and senses are focused in the wrong direction.
Q: .....Human beings have experimented...and continue to experiment...with man-made institutions of entertainment........And what progress have we made?.........
A: None, because of the system we inherited from the past (Organizing humanity).
Q: .....Have we brought about world peace?..........
A: Nope, because again of the old systems we inherited from the past. Harmony, and not peace, is the key element that will unite all nations together. In science, we can't prove peace, but we can prove what harmony is.
Q:...The way of man brings about death........But there is a way of life that works........That way is revealed in the Bible.........The Bible challenges us to live the way of life...not the way of death.........God's way of life produces abundant living and true peace...not death and destruction......... May the great Creator of the universe...and His Son Jesus all prove His existence...and to find the true way of life...........
A: If there is a way of life that works then we should have already experienced harmony among us. I would not be seeing any more people who are poor, who look for shelters in times of typhoons, who need food when they are hungry, or innocent children suffering from diseases, hunger, and even unwanted death. What more are the old and the sick who are abandoned by their families and isolated in care homes waiting only for their death? All these people are humans. They are like you and me. They have the right to live and enjoy life to its fullest.
Mankind should Wake up Now!
Q: .....Is it true as you said that I, you, we actually created the universe? ...
A: Yes! Let us say I have a marble - a self-producing marble. This marble produces one marble every second. After one second, I have now two marbles. After two seconds, the two marbles produce each new marble. So there are now four marbles. After three seconds, the four marbles produce each new marble. So there are now eight. And eight becomes 16 and so on and so forth. After one billion years, this self-production process shaped the universe of marbles [The Lawsinium Marbles].
So from this example, there is no designer. The shape of the universe was formed by the individual marbles. Did the marbles design its expanding universe? Nope. They were the causes that shaped the perimeter of the universe, hence they were not the designers of the universe. And of course, it was not the very first marble that designed the universe either.
Each marble is the cause of why the universe of marble was created. If planet Earth is one of these marbles, and you are the product of this marble, then it is just right to say that you also shaped the universe since you have been a part of the creation process.
So this simply shows that you created the universe. I created the universe. Everyone created the universe. Everything created the whole universe because each one of us is a part of the whole [Principles of Viegenesis}.
Q: .....Significantly...then...we may ask:...was the universe designed for a purpose?.........
A: If each individual is a part of the whole that shapes the universe of marbles which obviously rejects a designer, then the design has no purpose at all. The placement of matter into space created the universe without a purpose. However, if we look at evolution again the second time, the main purpose of life is to reproduce.
Q: .....The most basic explanation for the universe is that it seems to be a process orchestrated to achieve the end or goal of creating human beings and from the scientists' viewpoint...the the fact that the universe looks as though it had a definite beginning might be upsetting enough and what appears to drive cosmologists nearly to distraction is the anthropic principle'...that the earth and the universe were created for mankind.......basically stated from one of Patrick Glynn's books..........
A: If the Biblical God exists, then maybe the universe was created to create human beings. But human itself is evolving creating new forms of beings called Bionics. This claim might be shocking but remember, if life begets life and human is life. Therefore it is creating another life form. It might be mechanical today, but it would be classified as alive tomorrow.
Q: .....Zoologist Richard Dawkins...espoused the idea that human beings are merely animals with no purpose in a purposeless universe.........As he put it*..." the universe* we observe evil and no good...nothing but pointless indifference...we are machines for propagating DNA...It is every living object's sole reason for living"............
A: If I analyze this statement deeper, I think Dawkins does not know his stuff here. DNA here gives me that red flag because there are so many loopholes in DNA. The mechanics behind the building blocks of everything are actually the informatics particles - the systemic instructions.
Q: ......On ignoring evidence...even some atheists and agnostics admit that by choosing to remain ignorant...they can continue living their lives without God...denying the consequences.........
A: My religious view is of an altruistic atheist. I am an independent freethinker, a rationalist, a progressive humanist, and a centist (a hundred percent realist) who believes that if something is factual then it should manifest 100% from the smallest particle up to the largest universe. If there is even a single exception in theory then it is not universally factual.
Q:...An English author by the name of Aldous Huxley expressed this perspective as well..."Most ignorance is vincible ignorance.........We don't know because we don't want to know.........It is our will that decides how upon what subjects we shall use our intelligence.........Those who detect no meaning in the world generally do so because...for one reason or suits their books that the world should be meaningless"..........
A: Ignoramus is not in my vocabulary. And obviously English is not my field of interest because it has lots of exceptions. So not a perfect subject for me. And there indeed are many of us who are ignorant because of the simple fact that we cling so hard to false teachings, wrong information, and distorted beliefs. As the saying goes " ignorance kills a cat " or Ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses no one")
Q: ..........but I know you don't want Scriptures but just in case you want to take a peep at it...*Roman's 1:20-21*..........
A: If you believe in God and are inspired daily by his miracles and words, then why don't you take this challenge - prove god without using verses from the bible or the bible as evidence.
Q:...In essence, what is being said not be like these foolish people.........Examine the universe...creation and the purpose of human life...and you will find that design demands a designer..........
A: In the mind of a fool, 1 + 1 = 2. In the mind of a thinker, 1 + 1 = 10.
As I have illustrated above, it is not always true that design demands a designer.
Q: .....Science has found no reason for the many laws of physics and chemistry...and for the many precise values and have come into existence exactly as they are.........From a mathematical point of view...the odds against our universe having just the right laws to sustain life are astronomical........
A: Science may look perfect to the eyes of the many but it sometimes underestimates God. But science is not perfect either. It always carries many loopholes. Even though science follows rigorous scientific methods it always resorts to trial and error. And principles in science only exist depending on what frames of reference they are in. This is called the relative “truth”. A book on your table looks potential when you are on Earth, but the same book is kinetic when you see it from the moon. Our frame of reference is dimensionally relative and elusive. However, I lean towards science rather than religion. Religion does not admit its mistakes, Science always admits its mistakes. (Science is pseudo-science)
Q: .......Remember...these laws were in existence at the first moment of creation.........
A: That is totally wrong! A misconception! Laws evolve just like all other things evolve. Every individual creates their own set of instructions that make him - himself. (lawsinium cat)
Q:...Scientists recognize that they had to be.........As Stephen Hawking acknowledged in Space and Time...."The only way to have scientific theory is if the laws of physics hold everywhere ... including at the beginning of the universe".......
A: I agree with his statement. You do not need to learn science or religion to know all the facts of life. They are all in front of our eyes. The only thing we need is to find them in a deeper wider perspective way of thinking. If a concept or principle holds true everywhere, every time, then that is the absolute truth. This is where my Laws stand firm and my belief system lives.
Q: ........So is it reasonable to assume that these laws came about from nothing?.........
A: Absolutely yes. ........ It came from the dualpairing of nothing and something. The interaction between the two creates pieces of information that eventually transform into a natural procedure.
Q: ......The existence of such marvelous and predictable laws in nature points to a master intelligence and Lawgiver.........Add to that evidence the existence of unseen spiritual laws...and you double the evidence of a great Lawgiver.........
A: I have shown you that you do not need a lawgiver because laws are evolutionary and created bit by bit, piece by piece, one step at a time until they become a procedure of instructions.
Q: ......The Bible reveals the origin of these laws that permeate our universe...........
A: Sorry, but you know where I stand with scriptures (riddle of god).
Q: ......Even though science has never...not even once...created life from non-life...
A: Actually if you evaluate the evolution of man to its next level, humans are moving from life to non-life. And of course, we also need to look at what you mean by life here. Check my thread here on What is Life?
Q: .....some scientists are so determined to reject the idea of a Creator God that they put aside their own scientific objectivity and stake their belief on what science has shown to be impossible.........the scientific method requires observation...experimentation and human reasoning.........
A: Their methods are absolutely important for a systematic approach but it does not mean that the results they have are always correct. They refine their mistakes over and over again until they get the final correct results.
Q: .....No physical experiment can prove God in a scientific sense.........
A: If this God is imaginary then of course it is a make-belief.
Q: .....Science can only produce experimental results that are either consistent or inconsistent with the hypothesis of a Creator God........Yet what happens when scientists encounter facts that are consistent with a *Creator*?......... Many will dogmatically declare that there cannot be a God...ironically making a religion out of their unscientific atheism...........
A: Again, there are millions of ways to approach a problem.
Q:... Nobel Prize-winning scientist George Wald’s quote:…”*The reasonable view was to believe in spontaneous generation…the only alternative…to believes in a single… the primary act of supernatural creation………There is no third position………One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible………Yet here we are as a result………I believe…of spontaneous generation”….(*The Origin of Life…Scientific American)……
…….Amazing…a Nobel Prize-winning scientist calls it “impossible” yet believes it to be true………We must not be deceived by scientific theorizing that has no basis in reality………Wald’s phrase…” spontaneous generation” may sound impressive…but however erudite such a phrase may sound…it is not scientific truth…and does not agree with true science and the real world…as true science recognizes that life can only come from life………
In the Evolution of creation, I called spontaneous generation the law of exponential procreation. This is the fifth general Law in Creation. There is no impossibility here since its basis is the world we live in. You do need to be a religious scientist to know this. Just look at your family tree, it is solid proof.
Q: ……The Bible explains that life originally came from the Life-Giver………..
A: Well everything in this world is more a coincidence than predestine. I even used this concept of coincidence as one of my many arguments in determining if a life-giver also exists out there.
My logic here goes this way. Human ears can only hear sound ranging from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Below and above these ranges, our ears become useless. On the other hand, dolphins can hear and produce sounds that we can’t hear. This does not mean that because we can not hear them, the sound does not exist.
If dolphins can hear them, then we must believe that their sound really exists even if we don’t hear them.
This is the same thing with our other senses. Our eyes can only perceive a certain range of frequencies called the visible light. But other animals can see beyond the color red (infrared) and the color violet (ultraviolet). This again shows that they have different worlds totally different from our world. Their worlds could be upside down, multi-worlds, or a world that we have never imagined the possibility of its existence. Because humans have two eyes, we see this kind of world as normal to humans. Spiders have eight eyes that see maybe multiple worlds. Bees and dragonflies must have more that we can’t even imagine that they exist. So all these creatures have worlds totally different from us, but because we do not see their worlds, this does not mean that their worlds do not exist.
It is the same with space aliens if we live in a world we call the universe, there is a great chance that space microbes or beings live in a world different from us. So there is a big chance they are somewhere out there. Most humans always look at the face value of an object. When I say to you that your pencil on top of your table is moving you might say to me that I am crazy. But there are lots of things going on with and into the pencil. First, it seems it is not moving but in reality, it is moving so fast equivalent to the average orbit speed of the earth at 30 km/s. Take note it is a kilometer in one second. Then, it is also moving towards the center of the earth with a gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s2. It is pulling the moon and the sun through gravitation and it is pushing itself away from the center of our galaxy through centripetal force. It is decaying at this moment through the combustion process, resisting friction, and even pounded by 15 lbs of pressure per square inch. Its status is potential because the frame of reference is where you are sitting right now, but the same pencil is kinetic if you are sitting somewhere on the moon zeroing your telescope on the pencil.
So as you see there are so many things going on the pencil. For an ordinary mind, we simply see the pencil as a dead object nothing more nothing less, but for someone who thinks outside the box, I see that this pencil is enjoying all the attention I mentioned. LoL.
Another perspective. Water is an example. If I see a drop of water on my desk since I know that water begets water, then the only source that I can use as proof that water exists is to use this water as my evidence. Now I found out that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. Now again hydrogen begets hydrogen and oxygen begets oxygen. So with the same line of thinking of begetting, these two elements must at least have one common ancestral origin. And we know that their communal origin is both molecules. So molecules begets molecules. And by the course of time, we now know they are made up of atoms. And this atom will be dissected and dissected until at a time we will discover what all things are really made up of. An infinitesimal of begetting something with something and nothing with nothing.
So do you think we really need the first marble that shaped the whole universe of marbles but did nothing in the formation except to produce itself? I don’t think so! The mere fact that there is a drop of water on my desk; gives me solid proof that it originated from something. But that something does not mean that it created the drop of water. So why do I need to make assumptions where the proof is just under my nose so to speak.
However, some things may not be accurate or should I say a little short of the true value, but they could be precise. (in science, accuracy is different from precision). We simply look at certain physical properties and provide some sort of analysis that is not so not-so-accurately precise but precisely accurate.
The concept of determining the age of a star or a planet is similar to this. I named it the originemological quantifier - a parameter that determines the age of an object based on its developmental stages from birth to growth.
If a baby, a teenager, and a grandmother are present in front of you, probably you can guess the age of each person. You do not need to be a scientist to guess their respective ages, right?
When a star or planet is born, it goes to different stages like a seed growing to become a plant.
These stages give us an estimate of how old a certain planet is. Obviously, it is not really that accurate, but it is not completely wrong either. How is this?
Just like in our example, we know that a person is a baby because there are common features that come to be a small child. We may say that a baby is probably 9 to 12 months old when you hear him say “papa”. If this word is now turned into one or two broken sentences, we can say that the baby most probably is 18 to 24 months old already. And if this person started to drive a car, he would probably be 16 to 21 years old. And when he is walking with his third foot, then I assure you that he is probably in his 60′s up.
Although we have different age ranges (18 to 24, 9 to 12, 16 to 21) these age ranges are good enough to determine the age of a person.
It is not accurate, but it is precise enough to give us an idea of how old a particular person is. This is how we also determine the age of a star.
But accuracy or precision are all simply guesswork.
Everything we learn really depends on which standards or what basis are we using. But we need to have this concept of association to understand things at the least. Your age, birthday, your name, and even other things are simply all acceptable guesses.
Your age will be different when we use other numerical systems of bases compared to the base-10 system. So if someone tells you that you are 1110 years old, obviously it is not accurate. Nobody lives at this age. But in reality, this is correct; this is equivalent to 14 years old if we use the concept of base-10. If you were celebrating your 14 birthday yesterday in China, when you came to America the following day, your age is still 13 years old. So your age is not really accurate. It depends on the time zone you are in.
Your birthday is not accurate either. It depends on which calendars you plan to use. Your birthday was probably based using the Gregorian calendar. But when you use the Julian calendar where 1 A.D. is the second year or the Bahai calendar with 19 months in a year or the Chinese calendar where an extra month is added to the second or third year; then probably you will be guessing a lot just to find your real birth date.
Even your name will not be your name if your alphabetical system is not made up of 26 letters. So again it is only accurate to some point. It depends totally on the language you are using. If you are Arab, they use 28 letters, if you are in China your name will be represented by symbols, if you are in Hawaii they only use 12 letters and there is this community in a mountainous country I think somewhere in Europe that uses hand signals to call their children’s names.
Does accuracy really matter? When you talk to your mom or to your friends in front of a dog, the exchange of communication is nothing – but simply “barking” in the eyes of the dog. It is the same thing as we see them “talking” with their own specie.
Q: …Albert Einstein recognized the significant evidence of intelligence behind the natural laws of our universe and he wrote…‘religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law…which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that…compared with it…all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection”……….
I'm not a fan of him. Why? He killed thousands of innocent people when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If I am a scientist and I know that my discovery will menace and destroy many lives, I will simply keep it a secret and bury the theory until the day I die.
Throughout my research on Originemology, I discovered that all information came from Nature and not from an imaginary God. I also discovered that intelligence also came from Mother Nature. Nature created everyone and everything. It has its own intelligence. It is alive and it has life. Since Life begets Life, like gold begets gold, Nature is alive and has life.
Creation by Laws
A Journal of a Creative Mind;
(ISBN: 978-1-60047-217-6).
^ By definition, a riddle is a brainteasing question or statement that has a double meaning that requires clever thinking for its answer and provides you the enjoying aha moment. A paradox on the other hand is a true statement that appears to contradict itself and defies intuition.
"Everything that exists in the universe if a universe even exists does not physically exist at all" ~ Joey Lawsin
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Appeal To A Creator Argument |
About the Author :
Joey Lawsin is the author behind the new school of thought "Inscription by Design". He is a revisionist who wants to change the world by rewriting the textbooks with new concepts that debunk the old scientific, theological, and philosophical ideas of antiquity. He published a book in Physics, created a conscious machine known as Autognorics, and formulated the Mother of all Theories "The Single Theory of Everything". The article above is an excerpt from his book "The Bible Proves God Does not Exist".
#originemology, #codexation dilemma, #autognorics, #interim emergence, #inscription by design
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