Zero also comes with these five senses. He can share information too. Although he could not speak our language, he still can communicate. He woo-woos. These words are equivalent to barking. Not all dogs bark. Malamute howls.
Whether humans speak English, cows moo, birds chirp, cats meow, or dogs bark, all these "words" are nothing but energies - voice energy. They are simply sound energies that produce up and down patterns. The wave patterns below are some samples. They were created using an oscilloscope. I use them to encode what Zero is saying and decode them in human language.
Voice Signatures of Zero
iBowWow, codenamed Z.E.R.O. (Zound Encoder-decodeR gizmO), is a bowlingual bark translator device that I have invented. It interprets or translates my dog's bow-wows into human language. A computer algorithm I programmed coded B2W® (bark to word) processes the bark signatures of my dogs to human words. The Bow to Wow device is totally different from those that are being sold in Japan as novelties. It doesn't measure the brain and emotion signals of dogs. iBowWow simply encode-decode voice signatures. It was conceptualized along the way as I was working on my research, my brainchild Originemology.

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