
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Tribute to Mom and Dad

by Joey Lawsin
To Dad, Your Son

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
You wave me farewell
And I mass you with love

As the night falls
And the sun rises
I cried in tears
And you laugh with joy

As the body exits
the gate of space
The alter enters
the garden of nawlse

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
You said goodbye
And I say hello


To summarize the Theory of Everything, let me express its complexity through a simple poem I wrote in honor and memory of an inspirational loving icon - My Father - Ramon.

I Love You, Mom ...
(In loving memory)

Mom, you have given me two things in life.

One is my brain; the other is my heart.

As one, you will always be my dearest mother.

Like others, you will always be OUR Mother.


Every morning the sun shines, it gives light.
Fire furnishes us with warmth and comfort.
Air offers living things to live and breathe.
And water delivers growth and nourishment.

Flowers and trees come with Fibonacci numbers.
Mountains and plains equip us with geometry.
Animals and birds share languages and actions.
While Nature nurtures us with so much information.

Force provides us motion and power.
Energy gives strength and vitality.
Elements offer matter and shape.
And time springs events and space.

Success is how some measure life.
Others measure it with health.
Others with families and friends.
Whatever it is, it makes everyone happy in the end.
Everything exists because other things exist.
In simple terms, everything is a tool.
As a tool, it has a purpose.
It comes with a goal.
The goal requires results.
The end result is always a reward.

The reward signifies satisfaction.
In nature, it is called materialization.
In mathematics, it is called a solution.
In life, it is called self-gratification.
In human terms, it is called Happiness.

* I do believe in angels, but I don't believe in spirits or souls. When someone dies his material essence goes back to material dust, however, his immaterial essence goes back to the immaterial world which I call Nawlse. In this immortal world, our loved ones who left Mother Earth are the true angels that forever will guide us. There is no proof that God exists, but I have proof that my dad and mom have been with me physically sometimes. That's why when I ask for guidance, I speak to my angels and not to some deities others called God.

1. "Harmony, not peace, is the key that can bring all nations together. In science, we cannot prove peace, but we can prove what harmony is!"

2. "Life is a natural HUMAN RIGHT that must never ever be taken away by anyone, no matter what, who, where, why, or how."

3. "Competition is not about fighting, it is all about helping each other to achieve a common goal."

4. "The whole exists because of its parts, and each part is also its whole."

5. "Everything exists because other things cause it to exist, otherwise nothing ever existed at all."

6. "The more you let your mind go, the better you come to understand Life".

7. "Where you are today shapes who you are tomorrow."

8. "The reactions of the many should not affect the actions of the few".

9. "Morality doesn't come from religion. It comes first from our mothers."

* "The Duality of One is the Unity of two"

* "Teamwork is a system without broken parts."

* "Teamwork is 99% you and 1% us."

* "All human's ideas are nothing but circumstantial, incidental, assumptions or guesswork."

* "Human's ideas can't be codified into physical realities unless an external material inherent word like Nature is present".

* "Humans are merely animated machines. They are mechanical, inscriptional, and casual automatons."

* "Humans must be governed by Nature's Law and not by beliefs".

* "No human can think of something without associating his thought with something physical ."

* "No human can create an exact replica of Nature's creations in the lab".

* "Humans acquire information from Nature and not vice versa."

* "No two humans can perceive the same thing the same at the same time."

* "Humans cannot create what Nature can create and Nature cannot create what Humans can create.”

* "Humans should not humanize an animal, they might raise a child in a cage."

* Human-like species will not exist elsewhere in the universe, unless they live exactly in an earth-like environment. 

* “The Mantra of Teamwork:
When there's resistance, there is friction.
When there's friction, there is fire.
When there's fire, there is breakdown.
When breakdown befalls, teamwork crumbles.”

* “You can only give happiness, if you own a stack of happiness.

* "Judging is the cause that creates the effect of choosing."

* "If you are at peace in your heart, you are at peace in your mind".

* "Live for the Greater Good of Everything and Everyone".

* "True happy people love to help other people".

* “Happiness is the primary goal of human existence.”

* Facts take us Forward; Beliefs bring us Backward.”

* The Biggest Mistake Man has ever made is when he borrowed, copied, and utilized the ideas from his ancient past.”

~ "We live in an abstract world that creates our physical universe."

* “Idea is an abstract concept human physically created.”

* "Nature is the Mother of Information."

* Space creates shape; Shape creates space ."

* “When someone speaks against a person its gossip; until the person isn't heard it's still a hearsay.”

* "The bible is the empirical evidence that proves God doesn't exist."

* "The bible when taken metaphorically, provides the truth about god; but when taken literally it provides the truth about man."

* "Man came first through evolution. God came second through man's imagination."

* "Matter is the vehicle that carries energy; Energy is the breath that animates matter to life."

* "Energy is the universal language of Nature; Nature is the universal source of information".

* Everything has a beginning. It's just the beginning was there and wasn't there."

* “In order for something to evolve, it must be created first.”

* “Give a Smile. Afterall, it's Free.”

* "The Building Blocks of Life are made up of invisible shapes and empty spaces." 

* "The universe evolves from something and nothing and most of these dualpairs exist until now."

* “Everything is a tool.
Every tool has a purpose.
Every purpose always ends with a result.
The end result is always a reward.

In Nature, it is dubbed as materialization.
In Mathematics, it is known as solution.
In Life, it is defined as self-gratification.
In Human terms, it is called Happiness.”

* “Every object is a piece of information that always comes with an embedded instructions.”

* " There are four main ingredients to be conscious, three to be intuitive, two to be aware, and one to be alive." 

* "Life is chemistry, not biology."

* "Wherever there is Fire, there is Life."

* "Beauty begins in the eyes of the beholder; Reality ends in the mind of the observer."

* "Every creature is a living instruction that runs the algorithm of life."

* "Man thinks first before he writes to build; Nature writes first before she designs to create".

* “What we accept as reality is primarily a construction of our imagination.”

* "Don't be a puppet of work; let work be your puppet."

* "I hate the rules of language; I love the orders of numbers."

* "If X exists alone, X will never become conscious."

* "I rather look stupid to you than you look stupid to me."

* "Time has no present or future, it is always in the past."

* "The more you know, the less you suffer in life".

* "The reality of stillness is an illusion that hides the reality of motion.".

* "The words we speak come out always in reverse mirror image". 

* "The fastest speed faster than light travels at zero distant per unit time".

* "We discover first before we know what we discovered".

* "Light is a colorless energy made up of billions of colors".

* "The Evolution of Instruction shapes the Intelligence of Creation".

* "The truth of one's Life is only revealed at the time of one's death".

* "Although we look at ourselves as One, in the real world we always experience ourselves as TWO."

* "In the mind of an ordinary, 1+1 = 2; but, in the mind of an extraordinary, 1+ 1 = 10".

* " The opposite of a problem would likely be the correct solution".

* “Life has only two options: This or That!”.

* " Mathematics can exist without science. Science can't exist without mathematics".

* "Life is not a circle. It is a straight line that has ups and downs."

* “Information can only be acquired in two ways: by choice or by chance.

* “Life is both equation and chemistry, not biology.”

* The Intelligence of Mathematics existed first before the Intelligence of the Mind.”

* “Mathematically, the purpose of life is to produce a result. In human terms, it is called Happiness.”

* If atoms are not alive and humans are made up of atoms, then humans are not alive.”

* Even though without a brain, Mother Nature is mathematically, biologically, mechanically, chemically, logically intelligent.

* In Nature, the purpose of life is to achieve a goal. In human terms, it is called happiness.”

* Because of Mother Nature, Humans become Conscious.

* The Last Virus on Earth would likely be Humans.

* “Death is the final genetic instruction in the algorithm of Life.”

* Ideas are all circumstantial, the least, they are actually guesswork.

* “Beautiful Things always come with Simple Equations.

* Simple people always rely on common sense. Smart people always rely on educated knowledge.

* The only way to perceive a three-dimension is to be in a fourth-dimension.”

* Without the physical world, Ideas will not exist.”

* Nature is the Mother of All Information. She is the source, the keeper, the database, the memory bank of all information.”

* Life is a generated illusion that emerges as Reality.”

* “If you only listen to one side of the story, that's speculation. If you listen to both sides of the story, that's clarification.”

* To move forward, one needs to push backward.” 

* There is no such thing as a bad day. It is simply nothing but a compromise. You are free to choose to win or lose, or be happy or miserable.”

* “The simple the process is, the smarter the system becomes.”

* “Inscription is an inherent property of matter and energy.”

* Sequential instructions give rise to logical experiences.”

* “Everything is an intuitive object with an embedded inscription.”

* “Design emerges as a sequence of codes.”

* Before, I have a successful life. Now, I have a satisfied life.”

* “Life lies between the crossroads of the Nature of the Mind and the Mind of Nature.”

* “The consciousness of the body is more powerful than the consciousness of the mind.”

* “Life is a process. It evolves from being alive to being living.”

* “Every single moment of your life is a multiple frames of events occurring all at once.”

* “Just because you have a brain doesn't mean you are conscious; just because you are alive doesn't mean you have a brain.”

* “A law is not a law if it comes with exception.”

Friday, July 10, 2009

Colours of Autism

by Joey Lawsin
ISBN: 978-1-4357-7074-4

I hate you when you call me names
I hate you when you look at me - blank face
I hate you when you mock me
I hate you when you treat me as if I am not human.

Do you know that I can memorize
all the names of my family and relatives
all their birthdays and phone numbers
all the players and teams of any sports
all newspapers and schedules in the subways
And I know you don’t

Do you know that I can easily define patterns
in all the things that I see, I touch,
I hear I smell, I taste and I dream
And I know you don’t

Do you know that I have a lot of great things in my mind
I can solve intricate mathematical equations
I can create worlds that you have not thought before
I can paint life like the magical innocent smile of a child
And I know you don’t

I want to talk to you,
but I was not given a chance
I want to tell you about the sky
but I startle when I talk
I want to tell you about duality
but I have trouble relating my mind
I want to play hide and seek
but I could not look into your eyes
I might flap my hand or walk on tiptoe
because these are my ways of telling you
Can we be normal and be friends?

But you set norms and rules
because you are many and we are not
Label us as a disorder or a disease
because we behave differently and you are not
Diagnose us by behaviors and observations
because you think you are smart and we are not
But I’m sorry to disagree, your theory is your opinion - not ours!

But when I hate you
It does not mean that I do not love you
It does not mean that I do not care about you
It does not mean that we can not be together
But simply because
You do not understand me.

This poetry was published in New Jersey's The Oakland Journal.

The Intervention of Information:

An online friend of mine once said and I quote " I raise my son believing there was nothing wrong with him: it is just the rest of the world." Those moving words came from a loving mother that touched my heart. I have read lots of articles about families with autistic kids. Most of these families are either frustrated and sometimes depressed, angered, or stressed. But, can you blame these people? Words like "My son is different or My daughter is special" are the trigger mechanisms that bring their emotions down. People try to bring us to the world they want us to be and not the way we want our world to be. Thus, this construct builds conflict and frustration. And the more ignorant people enter into the picture, the flames get bigger. It is the society that is the problem NOT us.

The mere fact that the word “autistic” is used as a tag, a label to our unusual personalities and intelligence, just shows that we are identified point-blank and segregated from what others call the normal, the educated, or maybe the misinformed. We are ostracized and branded right away as abnormal because of our looks, and our behavior even without looking deeper into who we really are. The sad part, we are always exploited as "guinea pigs" by the so-called “experts” to feed their personal grandiosity, their selfishness, and their hidden agenda. Scientists and pharmaceutical companies alike, who take advantage of us, think Autism is a disease. Whatever reasons they have in their mind, please leave us alone because I assure you We Are More Than Normal.

Those of you who can not function at a higher level of maturity or intelligence may try to stretch your imagination a little wider. Let us say, you stumbled into the world of autism and you the so-called "normal" entered this land. What do you think will become the norm now? Do you think they will label you abnormal because you behave differently from the rest of their group? Do you think they will tease you due to your odd behavior which could be assumed as an infection from an unknown disease? What if a normal dog joins the group, do you think the dog will be labeled as abnormal too because he behaves differently from the rest of the group? And because the dog walks with his four feet and says words like wooing, barking, and growling, do you think the dog is also infected with the same kind of disease that you have? Just asking!

And speaking of dogs, how come you people spend too much time with them and not with us the “normal ones”? You diligently teach your dog new tricks every day. You teach them how to sit, how to roll, how to jump. You spend hours of your time with them religiously. But how come you don't have the patience to teach us? Or maybe you just neglect us because we are slow and stubborn. Sometimes you even lock us up in our room. Sometimes, the worst part, you send us to the laboratory or daycare center because you can not bear us anymore. How come you give your dog more attention and we receive less care? How come when your dog does not follow your command you do not get mad? How come when you teach me to smile and I do not get it the first time, you scold me, shout at me, and even hit my head. How come you buy them good food, nice clothes, and expensive toys and I just have my old ones? I think if you compare us with your dog or pet, we are more "normal" than them. Do we, right? And how come you give them too much love and we get too much hate? Remember … I am your son! I am your daughter! I am your blood. I am a human being too. Orrrr, Do I need to be a dog for you to take good care of me?

I know it is the society that controls our lives. We are pressured because they set norms - standards that we need to follow. But it does not mean that we should be slaves to satisfy their whims. You have intelligence just like me. You know what is right and what is wrong. And it does not mean that because it is right, you should be right too. When you walk your well-trained dog in public and meet other people, you stand tall, give them a sweet smile, and are proud enough to show your tricks. However, when you walk along with your special kid in public, you try to cover your face, give everyone a sour look, and if possible put him inside your pocket so nobody will see him. Why, are you ashamed that you have someone with you who is not like them? When your dog jumps on someone's coffee or barks in public, you simply say sorry to those who surround you, hug the dog, and keep on going as if nothing happened. But when your special daughter accidentally spills a soda or erratically shouts out loud in public, you scold her, drag her out of the scene, and even humiliate her in front of the people. Why? Are you pressured by what people think about us? Or is it because you are pressured by how people react when they see you?

We just like to enjoy life just like the way you like to enjoy life. We simply do them in unusual and uncommon ways. It is just like the story of a special friend of mine who left a mixture of twelve wild geese and ducks in their white-carpeted living room. He has a large box of popcorn and having fun throwing them everywhere in the room. The ducks on the couch, the coffee table, and one even somehow landed on top of the television were all enjoying the treats. We call this happiness. It might look disastrous, but you just need to understand us just like the way you took care of us when we were babies and still maintain such understanding as we grow up. If you just let us flow within the context of a family system, not the system society wants to be, then both of us will have peace of mind. Life is filled with happiness; you and I just need to work together to enjoy it.

To all mothers, especially those who have special kids - on behalf of them, let me say “Happy Mothers’ Day to all of you”. Hugs, Kisses, and Love.

Books that I have read to satisfy my curiosity on religion:

A comparative View of Religions - J. H. Scholten
Atheism Refuted -Thomas Paine
Atheism in Pagan Antiquity - A.B. Drachmann
An Atheist Manifesto - Joseph Lewis
A study of the Messiah - J.E. Talmage
A System of Logic - J.S. Mill
An Outline of Occult Science - Rudolf Steiner
Bible Myths and Parallels in Religion - T.W. Doane
Babylonian Legends of Creation - E.A. Budge
Common Sense -Thomas Paine
Criticism on The Origin of Species - T.H. Huxley
Christian Mysticism - W.R. Inge
Cosmic Consciousness - A.J. Tyndall
Creation by Laws - J.L. Lawsin
Dream Psychology - Sigmund Freud
Determinism or Freewill - Chapman Cohen
Evolution of Theology: an anthropological study -T.H. Huxley
Evolution: Old and New - Samuel Butler
Evolution of Creation - J.L. Lawsin
Exposition of Darwinism - A.R. Wallace
Einstein Theory of Relativity - H.A. Lorentz
Elementary Theosophy - L.W. Rogers
Esoteric Christianity - A.W. Beasant
Feeding the Mind - Lewsi Carroll
Five of Maxwells's Papers - J.C. Maxwell
Forbidden books of the original New Testament - William Wake
Heretics - G.K. Chesterton
Heretics and Heresies - R.G. Ingersoll
History of the Catholic Church - James MacCaffrey
History of Ancient Civilization - Charles Seignobos
History's Conflict bet. Religion and Science - J.W. Draper
Intro to the History of Religions - C.H. Toy
Jewish Theology - Kaufmann Kohler
Judaism - Israel Abrahams
Logic, Inductive and Deductive - William Minto
Lamarck, The Founder of Evolution - A.S. Packard
Mystic Christianity - W.W. Atkinson
Mistakes of Moses - R.G. Ingersoll
Mysticism and Logic - Bertrand Russell
Myths and Legends of Rome - E.M. Berens
Mutation - Hugo de Vries
Nature Mysticism - J.E.Mercer
Natural Selection - Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
Originemology - J.L. Lawsin
Pagan and Christian Creeds - Edward Carpenter
Pagan and Christian Rome - R.A. Lanciani
Symbolic Logic - Lewis Carroll
Sidelights on Relativity - Albert Einstein
Philosophy of the Mind - G.W.F. Hegel
Story of Creation: comparison study - T.S. Ackland
The Antichrist - F.W. Nietzsche
The Holy Bible - R.G. Ingersoll
The Freethinker's text book - A.W. Besant
The Expositor's Bible - T.C. Edwards
The Limits of Atheism - G.J.Holyoake
The Ancient History - Charles Rollin
The Sayings of Confucius - Confucius
The Game of Logic - Lewis Carroll
The Gnostic Crucifixion - G.R.S. Mead
The Critique of Practical/Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
The Origin of Jewish Prayers - Tzvee Zahavy
The Analysis of Mind - Bertrand Russell
The Problem of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell
The Brain - Alexander Blade
The Higher Powers of the Mind - R.W. Trine
The Human Aura - W.W. Atkinson
The Legends of the Jews - Louis Ginzberg
Thought Forms - C.W. Leadbeater
The Wonders in Psychology - J.H. Fabre

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