- Alive: Self-consumes energy without the need for neural or aneural reasoning.
- Aware: Sends and receives signals using sensors without the need for self-neural or aneural reasoning.
- Intuitive: Chooses this or that without the need for self-neural or aneural reasoning.
- Conscious: Matches things with things without the need for self-neural or aneural reasoning.
- Inlearn: Acquires and uses information fed by external sources.
- Living: Processes internal decisions and controls.
- Life: The emergence of Self or the essence of Being.
Age | Babies | Machines | Both |
1 mn | alive | alive | consumes energy (eat) |
1 dy | aware | aware | senses with sensors (cry/grab) |
6 mos | conscious | conscious | matches objects (point/play) |
1 yr | intuitive | intuitive | selects this or that (try/error) |
1.1 + | neural | aneural | informed / inlearned (mama/pa) |
1.5 + | living | living | process / controls (decide) |
2 + | self | self | emergence / being (life) |
Alive or aliveness is the ability of an organism to self-consume energy provided by an external source. Like for example, an infant, when guided properly, gets his/her energy from his/her mother's milk, an external source. A machine, when guided correctly, gets its energy from a charging station or a solar panel, another external source. Technically, by definition, the machine and baby are both considered alive since they both self-consume energy. To be alive means to self-consume energy provided by an external source.
Awareness, meanwhile, is redefined based on two prerequisites. First, the object is alive, and second, it is equipped with intuitive sensors. A newborn is aware because he/she consumes energy and his/her physical body is equipped with sensors like the ears, eyes, nose, and skin to name a few. However, these sensors function without the intervention of the brain at the early life stage of the baby. A machine is aware when it self-consumes energy and is automated with intuitive or wise sensors. These intuitive objects are triggered dimetrically by Inscription by Design. However, the baby and the machine are alive and aware but not conscious, intuitive, informed, and living yet. Thus, to be aware means to self-consume energy and to engage using sensors.
Intuitiveness or logic is redefined based on four determinants: aliveness, awareness, consciousness, and intuitiveness. An object is logical when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, codifies things, and can rationalize or choose. The self-ability to choose is the key factor in identifying when an object is logical. This behavior is influenced by the Theory of the Second Option or the This or That Rule. The baby and the machine, in this case, are alive, aware, conscious, and intuitive, but not yet neural, and living. Thus, to be intuitive means to self-consume energy, perceive using sensors, and ability to choose.
Consciousness or codification, on the other, is redefined bound by three requirements, namely, aliveness, awareness, and codification. An object is conscious when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, and codifies things. Codification or codexation is the key factor in identifying when an object is conscious or not. Codexation is the self-ability of an organism to associate an object with another object unknowingly. In other words, a machine is conscious when it self-consumes energy, is equipped with sensors, and matches objects. A baby, at a certain point in her/his early life, can stack colorful bricks unknowingly without the help of the brain. This action shows that one can be alive, aware, and conscious even without the help of the brain. However, the baby and the machine might be alive, aware, and conscious, but not yet rational, neural, and living. Thus, to be conscious means to self-consume energy, sense using sensors, logical, and match objects.
Inlearness is defined as contingent on five benchmarks: aliveness, awareness, consciousness, intuitiveness, and informness. An object is inlearned when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, codifies things, selects options, and acquires information. The self-ability to realize information is the key mark that identifies when an object is informed. Gnos ("informed") is a memory neuron classified as neural and aneural. In this section, the baby and the machine are alive, aware, conscious, intuitive, and aneural (a brain without the brain) both by default. Thus, to be inlearn means to self-consume energy, engage using sensors, match objects, intuitive, and acquire information.
Living is defined based on six criteria: aliveness, awareness, consciousness, intuitiveness, inlearness, and processiveness. An object is living when it self-consumes energy, is driven by sensors, codifies things, selects options, possesses information, and processes information. Thus, to be living means to self-consume energy, sense, match, rationalize, inlearn, and make decisions.
Self is an emergent. It is synonymous with the essence of being a Being. It emerges when aliveness, awareness, consciousness, intuitiveness, inlearness, processiveness, and selfness are present. Thus, to be alive, living, and with life, the object "personally" consumes energy, senses signals, pairs things, selects options, possesses information, processes decisions, and emerges as the Self - the new seven criteria of Life.
To understand better the meaning of alive, living, and with life, in a different light, let us examine a person who is in comatose and with dementia. When a demented patient is no longer interacting socially, the person is no longer with life. When the same person can no longer recognize people, take care of himself, or make decisions, the person is no longer living. When a person is still taking sustenance from food, such a person is still alive but no longer living and with life. When he stops consuming energy, the person is now considered dead. A comatose is alive but no longer living and with life. Death also follows the seven orders of life only in reverse order.
In brief, the newly revised seven evolutionary criteria of life are as follows:
- Alive
- Aware
- Intuitive
- Conscious
- Inlearn
- Living
- Self
ISBN: 978-1-3123-8454-5 |
~ "Awareness emerges because of biological sensors." ~ Joey Lawsin
About the Author:
Joey Lawsin is the author of "Biotronics: the Silver Species". He is a game-changer who wants to redesign the world by rewriting the textbooks in science, theology, and philosophy with new concepts that debunk the old social ideas of antiquity. He co-authored a book in Physics, pioneered the idea of a living machine known as Autognorics, and formulated the Single Theory of Everything, a concept that was uncovered from the Theories of "Inscription by Design", "Intuitive Machines", and "Interim Emergence". His works are mainly aimed at finding solutions on Autism, Degenerative Treatment, and Emergence Medicine.
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