
Sunday, April 1, 2018

10 Top Great Philosophical Questions Solved

by Joey Lawsin

Here are the ten mysteries of philosophy that were thought could never be solved. However, according to Joey Lawsin, author of the book Creation by Law, the 10 philosophical questions can actually be easily resolved by simply understanding the principles behind a new study he developed called Originemology:

1. I think, therefore I exist?
2. Does God exist?
3. Is UFO real?
4. Why is there something rather than nothing?
5. Is our universe real?
6. Do we have free will?
7. Is there life after death?
8. What is consciousness?
9. What is the best moral system?
10. What are numbers?
11. Nature or Nurture?
12. "This sentence is false." Is it true or false?

Here are 101 more deep questions that can also be resolved by Originemology:

  1. Is the mind the same as the brain, or do we have souls?
  2. Can computers think, or fall in love?
  3. Can computers be creative?
  4. What is consciousness?
  5. Can we really know what it feels like to be a bat?
  6. When you have a toothache, is the pain in your mouth or in your brain?
  7. What is an emotion?
  8. Is love just a feeling?
  9. How is love different from passion or sexual desire?
  10. Are emotions irrational?
  11. Which would you rather be - an unhappy human being or a happy dog?
  12. What is the meaning of life?
  13. Is happiness the most important purpose in life?
  14. Is it always better to have more choices?
  15. Does free will really exist?
  16. If there is no free will, should we punish people at all?
  17. If God knows what you will do tomorrow, do you still have free will?
  18. Does God exist?
  19. If God exists, why is there so much evil in the world?
  20. Can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it?
  21. Can there be two almighty Gods?
  22. Can there be morality without God?
  23. Is morality relative?
  24. Is it objectively wrong to torture innocent babies just for fun?
  25. Is abortion ever permissible?
  26. Is it wrong to have children, if you don't know whether they want to be born?
  27. What is wrong with incest?
  28. What is friendship and why do we need it?
  29. What is art?
  30. Is there progress in art?
  31. Can food be art?
  32. Is it wrong to spend money on expensive food when people are dying of hunger?
  33. If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death?
  34. Why do we punish people?
  35. Is it alright to torture terrorists to extract information?
  36. When is it ok, if ever, to disobey the law?
  37. Is it the main purpose of the law to promote morality?
  38. Should governments penalize people for unhealthy lifestyles?
  39. Why ban drugs and not alcohol or trans-fat?
  40. Should prostitution be made legal?
  41. Is there such a thing as sexual perversion?
  42. What is wrong with having sex with animals?
  43. How much freedom should people have?
  44. Are people free to sell themselves into slavery?
  45. Why think there are universal human rights?
  46. Is democracy the same as the decision by the majority?
  47. Should people who pay more taxes get more votes?
  48. Is democracy suitable for all countries?
  49. When should governments intervene in the market?
  50. Is there a difference between free trade and fair trade?
  51. What is wrong, if anything, with protectionism?
  52. Is patriotism irrational?
  53. Can war ever be just?
  54. Should people have the right to live in any country they wish?
  55. Is the preservation of culture a good reason to limit immigration?
  56. Is race a biological category or a social construct?
  57. Are you the same person you were ten years ago?
  58. What is a person? Is it the mind, or the body?
  59. Do we think of language or pictures?
  60. Why do we dream?
  61. Can animals reason?
  62. What about fish, oysters, and tomatoes?
  63. Do animals have rights?
  64. If we eat chickens, why not dogs, dolphins, or babies?
  65. If super-intelligent aliens want to eat humans, are they wrong?
  66. If meat can be grown using stem cells, is there any reason not to eat meat?
  67. Should we let people commit suicide when they are terminally ill?
  68. Should we kill coma patients on life support to provide more resources to others?
  69. Should organ donation be made compulsory?
  70. Should organ donors be financially compensated?
  71. Is it wrong to grow brain-dead babies to harvest their organs?
  72. Why should we respect the dead?
  73. Should we fear death?
  74. Is life meaningless if we can live forever?
  75. What are numbers and do they really exist?
  76. Does Sherlock Holmes exist?
  77. Why is there something rather than nothing?
  78. What is time?
  79. Does time flow? How fast does it flow?
  80. Can something be at two places at the same time?
  81. Is time travel possible?
  82. If you can travel back in time, can you kill your earlier self?
  83. If you go back in time and teach young Einstein relativity theory, where does the idea come from?
  84. Are there parallel universes?
  85. Does every event have a cause?
  86. "This sentence is false." Is it true or false?
  87. "It will rain a week later." Is it true or false or neither?
  88. Is truth relative, or a matter of opinion?
  89. How do you know you are not dreaming right now?
  90. If we live in a computer simulation, does it make a difference to the meaning of life?
  91. Would you choose to live in a computer simulation if it will make you a lot happier?
  92. Can we be certain of anything?
  93. What is science?
  94. Why is mathematics so important in science?
  95. Is mathematics the same as logic?
  96. Why believe in electrons and black holes if we can't see them?
  97. Can there be two different theories of the world, both true and complete?
  98. How should we distinguish between good and bad scientific theories?
  99. Is science compatible with religion?
  100. Is there progress in philosophy?
  101. What is philosophy anyway?

Source: Philosophy, University of Hongkong


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Books that I have read to satisfy my curiosity on religion:

A comparative View of Religions - J. H. Scholten
Atheism Refuted -Thomas Paine
Atheism in Pagan Antiquity - A.B. Drachmann
An Atheist Manifesto - Joseph Lewis
A study of the Messiah - J.E. Talmage
A System of Logic - J.S. Mill
An Outline of Occult Science - Rudolf Steiner
Bible Myths and Parallels in Religion - T.W. Doane
Babylonian Legends of Creation - E.A. Budge
Common Sense -Thomas Paine
Criticism on The Origin of Species - T.H. Huxley
Christian Mysticism - W.R. Inge
Cosmic Consciousness - A.J. Tyndall
Creation by Laws - J.L. Lawsin
Dream Psychology - Sigmund Freud
Determinism or Freewill - Chapman Cohen
Evolution of Theology: an anthropological study -T.H. Huxley
Evolution: Old and New - Samuel Butler
Evolution of Creation - J.L. Lawsin
Exposition of Darwinism - A.R. Wallace
Einstein Theory of Relativity - H.A. Lorentz
Elementary Theosophy - L.W. Rogers
Esoteric Christianity - A.W. Beasant
Feeding the Mind - Lewsi Carroll
Five of Maxwells's Papers - J.C. Maxwell
Forbidden books of the original New Testament - William Wake
Heretics - G.K. Chesterton
Heretics and Heresies - R.G. Ingersoll
History of the Catholic Church - James MacCaffrey
History of Ancient Civilization - Charles Seignobos
History's Conflict bet. Religion and Science - J.W. Draper
Intro to the History of Religions - C.H. Toy
Jewish Theology - Kaufmann Kohler
Judaism - Israel Abrahams
Logic, Inductive and Deductive - William Minto
Lamarck, The Founder of Evolution - A.S. Packard
Mystic Christianity - W.W. Atkinson
Mistakes of Moses - R.G. Ingersoll
Mysticism and Logic - Bertrand Russell
Myths and Legends of Rome - E.M. Berens
Mutation - Hugo de Vries
Nature Mysticism - J.E.Mercer
Natural Selection - Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
Originemology - J.L. Lawsin
Pagan and Christian Creeds - Edward Carpenter
Pagan and Christian Rome - R.A. Lanciani
Symbolic Logic - Lewis Carroll
Sidelights on Relativity - Albert Einstein
Philosophy of the Mind - G.W.F. Hegel
Story of Creation: comparison study - T.S. Ackland
The Antichrist - F.W. Nietzsche
The Holy Bible - R.G. Ingersoll
The Freethinker's text book - A.W. Besant
The Expositor's Bible - T.C. Edwards
The Limits of Atheism - G.J.Holyoake
The Ancient History - Charles Rollin
The Sayings of Confucius - Confucius
The Game of Logic - Lewis Carroll
The Gnostic Crucifixion - G.R.S. Mead
The Critique of Practical/Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
The Origin of Jewish Prayers - Tzvee Zahavy
The Analysis of Mind - Bertrand Russell
The Problem of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell
The Brain - Alexander Blade
The Higher Powers of the Mind - R.W. Trine
The Human Aura - W.W. Atkinson
The Legends of the Jews - Louis Ginzberg
Thought Forms - C.W. Leadbeater
The Wonders in Psychology - J.H. Fabre

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