by Joey Lawsin
It's so funny to know that some scientists and ufologists believe in the following ridiculous claims:
- Space Aliens on other planets look like Human Beings.
- Structures like airplanes, computers, and antennas can be found on other planets.
- Animals and plants in the universe are like earth's fauna and flora.
- Space Aliens can communicate with us.
- UFO visited Earth several times.
- SETI will find UFO Intelligence
Joey Lawsin, supported by his combined professional backgrounds as an aeronautical engineer, computer programmer, physics writer, academic educator, and robotics developer, and with his signature theories based on Originemology, debunks all these faulty claims about the existence of UFOs.
1. The Caveman-in-the-Box Trilogy.
2. The Information Materialization Theory
3. The Scriptional Jump Principle
4. The Law of Boundaries
5. The Codexation Dilemma.
I. The Origin, Creation, and Evolution of Information:
The Caveman-in-the-Box is a scientific model that examines how a newborn transferred fresh from the mother's womb into an isolated high-end laboratory for the rest of his life and forbidden to interact with the outside world would acquire information, knowledge, and consciousness.
The model was then compared to two more models: the box of the newborn's father, and the box of the father's dog. From the 3 models, the following findings were achieved:
1. Information can only be acquired in two ways: by Choice or by Chance.
2. Mother Nature is the Supplier and Keeper of Information.
3. The Earth's environment makes how society and humans look today.
4. Instinct is not inborn; it has to be learned first - a learned instinct.
5. All animals acquire the same information humans have.
5. A newborn's mind is an empty slate.
6. Mother Nature nurtures everything and everyone.
8. Nature is the Mother of all Information.
II. Airplane Materials & Design:
Could all the hype about UFO sightings be possible or even probable? Let me answer this by enumerating the technical requirements needed in designing and building an airplane (a/p). Then, using data, we will compare and contrast the characteristics of an alien mothership with our conventional aircraft.
First, Physics: what are the four forces that make airplanes fly. These forces always exist in dualpairs. One can't exist without the other. The four forces are Thrust, Drag, Weight, and Lift. The Thrust pulls the a/p forward and Drag opposes thrust. While the weight of the a/p is pulled by the earth and Lift pushes away gravity and mass. These forces are the basic requirements that make objects fly.
Second, Propulsion: This is the engine that provides acceleration and deceleration. Aeronautical engineers figured out that the best method of space propulsion could either be electric or electromagnetic but not plasma, nuclear, or chemical. Thus spaceships should be propelled by either electricity or magnetism.
Third, Fuselage Materials: This is the structural body of an a/p. Factors to consider here are pressure, mass, weight, high-temperature resisting materials and contours. Artificial Gravity must also be taken into consideration inside the spacecraft.
Fourth, Design: Mainframe shapes could be saucer, cylindrical, round, or rectangular type. In terms of airflow, airplane contour must be laminar and not turbulent.
Now, do UFOs meet these four requirements?
It is speculated that when UFO hovers it flies level parallel to the ground. It tilts forward to move forward and tilts backward to stop. It touches down or descends like a falling leaf swinging side to side.
Is there anything wrong with the maneuvers? Yes. They defy the laws of physics. Newton's third law states that for every action there is an opposite reaction. To have trust, there should be a drag. To have a lift, there should be a force of gravity. A semi-sling shot circular motion or force is needed to propel a circular disk just like throwing a frisbee to accelerate.
The structural material of UFO is thought to resist or prevent high aerodynamics heating temperature at **Mach 10 speed (10 times the speed of sound = 7500 mph). Ultrahypersonic speed produces mega sonic booms that can shatter, annihilate, or fry any person or object standing or watching even at a great distance from its takeoff in a blink of an eye. Any person could also be damaged by air ionization that creates physical severe radiation. The sonic boom not only destroys eardrums but individual DNAs as well. Any objects will be annihilated into dust.
Now, let us do some rough calculations to determine how large must the size of an alien spaceship be to survive traveling from their galaxy toward our galaxy. A small spaceship is too small to survive this fit as you will learn later. Thus we will only focus on the gigantic alien ship -- the mothership.
The largest plane known to man is the Russian Antonov An-225.
Its estimated maximum weight is around 700 tons with a length of around 300 feet and a wingspan of 300 feet and flies at 550 mph max speed.
If an apple weighs around 5 lbs. and 1 ton is about 2000 lbs, then 1 ton = 400 apples where 700 tons is appx. 300,000 apples.
If a football field (360 feet by 160 feet) can accommodate around 7000 people and a person's weight is 200 lbs or 40 apples then 7000 people are 300,000 apples.
If you travel to the sun at 60 mph then it will take you 180 years to get there.
The space shuttle orbits the Earth at about 5 miles per second. A light-year is approximately 10 trillion kilometers or 6 trillion miles. So the shuttle would need about 38,000 years to fly across one light-year.
The nearest galaxy to us is 100,000 light-years. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, which is about 38,000 times faster than the shuttle. If the space shuttle travels at the speed of light in one light-year, then its voyage will take approximately one year. To reach the nearest galaxy, it will take the shuttle 100,000 years.
Simple cells evolve 4.5 billion years. Modern men evolved 200,000 years ago. The first civilization evolved 5000 years ago. The equivalent time period from Moses to Barack Obama is around 3,800 years (yup that long ago).
From all these computations, we learn that the mothership of ufos needs to store a huge amount of food that will last for 3,700 years. This food is equivalent to 1,350,500 apples (an apple per day per person). The food weighs equivalent to five Russian Antonov 225.
So if you imagine what is inside a mothership the size of a football field, it must have at least five airplanes of food, not to mention the billions of containers of their fuel, squadrons of spaceships, and other thousands of cargo. This is a very large flying machine traveling at the speed of light. This is like a hippopotamus running gracefully at the speed of the fastest animal on earth. Einstein's theory will not allow this. If the speed will equal the speed of light which becomes constant then the mass of the ship will totally be converted to a huge mass amount of energy.
The main concern of UFO investigators, enthusiasts, and even ancient alien astronauts should be to locate this mother spaceship rather than speculating too much about what people see, experience, and imagine. Nowadays, ufologists call spaceships automatic spacecraft or probes remotely controlled by aliens.
**From the USAF records, the strongest sonic boom ever recorded was 144 pounds per square foot. The shock wave or peak overpressure was produced by an F-4 flying just above the speed of sound at an altitude of 100 feet. There is a probability that some damaged shattered glass, for example, will result from a sonic boom. However, buildings should suffer no damage by pressures of less than 16 pounds per square foot. And, typically, community exposure to sonic boom is below two pounds per square foot. The ground width of the boom exposure area is approximately one mile for every 1,000 feet of altitude; that is, an aircraft flying supersonic at 30,000 feet will create a lateral boom spread of about 30 miles. Some maneuvers, diving, acceleration, or turning, can cause the focus of the boom. Depending on the aircraft's altitude, sonic booms reach the ground 2 to 60 seconds after the flyover. However, not all booms are heard at ground level for a boom to reach the ground, the aircraft speed relative to the ground must be greater than the speed of sound at the ground. For example, the speed of sound at 30,000 feet is about 670 miles per hour, but an aircraft must travel at least 750 miles per hour (a Mach 1, where Mach 1 equals the speed of sound) for a boom to be heard on the ground. Air Force procedures require that, whenever possible, flights be over open water, above 10,000 feet, and no closer than 15 miles from shore. Supersonic operations over land must be conducted above 30,000 feet or, when below 30,000 feet, in specially designated areas. Continuing research specifically addresses modeling the generation of a sonic boom and its impact on the environment people, domestic animals, wildlife, and historical, unconventional, and conventional structures. As an aircraft flies at supersonic speeds it is continually generating shock waves, dropping sonic boom along its flight path, similar to someone dropping objects from a moving vehicle. If the plane makes a sharp turn or pulls up, the boom will hit the ground in front of the aircraft. UFOs, most probably beyond Mach 10, usually make sharp turns. However, there are no sonic events ever heard and recorded by UFO witnesses at all.
III. Alien Communication Dilemma:
The other requirement is to find out if humans can communicate with aliens. Ufologists depict extraterrestrial or space beings, known as ETs or aliens, as human-like or reptilian-like figures. These space creatures are assumed as highly intelligent and technologically sophisticated. However, because of the principle behind the theory of boundaries (pericorpus) and Codexation, the concept of communication with these creatures is totally implausible. Let me give you some insights to ponder why is this so!
If any of these experts can communicate with any animal like dogs or fish, just like the way we talk or discuss things with our mother or friends, then I would say that human beings are intellectually capable enough to communicate with space visitors.
Because we cannot do this, then even if we encounter the most intelligent alien in the universe; there is no way that they can communicate with us just like the way we cannot communicate with the rest of the animal kingdom. The law of boundaries does not permit this culturally. The only thing humans can do is to copy their technology just like the way we copy things from nature and our environment.
So until homo sapiens, believed to be the most intelligent species on this planet, cannot devise ways to exchange ideas with our closest hairy relatives in the Hominidae family, then maybe we need to think twice. Intelligence has its own hierarchy. In the pyramid of intelligence, the species with the lowest intelligence cannot match the intelligence of the next higher species, and so on and so forth. [Intelligent Konstant 2000].
Other important parameters that must be taken into consideration in the SETI Project:
1. Index of refraction - the lens of an eyepiece can slow down the frequency of a signal. Atmospheric layers do the same. A moving object can also make a signal slow or fast.
2. Rotation and revolution - the earth is rotating and revolving at the same time. The Milky Way is also rotating. If another earth-like planet is on another galaxy located and behaving just like our galaxy, then the possibility of receiving a signal from this galaxy is very very slim like finding a needle in a mountain of hay. At most, the space signal could only be a single pulse since everyone is rotating even though the source of the signal is emitting a continuous train of pulses.
3. Wavelengths - electromagnetic radiation cannot reach the surface of the earth except at very few wavelengths, hence telescopes are placed at the peak of a mountain, mounted in aircraft, or incorporated in orbiting satellites so that these waves can be precisely detected.
4. Inverse-square law - the power of the source of the signal from another planet could only stay at a certain range or distance. The sun is a power source that emits photons that travel at the speed of light. But its frequency or wavelength just like all em-radiations can only cover a certain length of distance and dies down. Because of this, the sun inside a spiral galaxy does not have enough power to illuminate an elliptical galaxy or another similar galaxy even if the signals are continuously emitted non-stop.
"We will not find any human species outside our solar system
unless the same environment as Earth exists. "
~ Joey Lawsin ~
About the Author :
Joey Lawsin is the author behind the new school of thought "Originemology". He is a revisionist who wants to change the world by rewriting the textbooks with new concepts that debunk the old scientific, theological, and philosophical ideas of antiquity. He published a book in Physics, created a conscious machine known as Biotronics, and formulated the case for "The Alien Origin Theory". The article above is an excerpt from his book "The Bible Proves God Does not Exist".
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