by Joey Lawsin
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JLawsin, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-60047-217-6
Price: $12.00
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JLawsin, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-60047-217-6
Price: $12.00
When I was writing this book, Creation by Laws, I told myself that this would be a unique one. A book where the standards of social norms would not be observed. The intention was to share merely with my readers how my brain really functioned spontaneously in real-time without leaning heavily on the beliefs or information of the past. I employed this book as one of my experimental variables that would further test my theory on the origin of information.
This book provides an astonishing revelation about how the universe is created, not by God nor by Evolution, but by a Set of Natural Embedded Instructions also known as The Laws of Systemic Instructions or Creation by Laws.
Like putting on a new pair of spectacles, the book introduces some eye-opening concepts about how a set of instructions governs the creation and evolution process. It also examines why things exist in pairs, why creation is a series of instructions, and why creation doesn't need a creator. It also claims that Space and Shape — the building blocks of everything — that evolved into the dualpairing of systemic instructions and vitalic materials created everything and everyone.
Creation by Law dismisses all the theories on the origins of creation that always fall into the same pit of believing that a single organism, a single particle, or a single species gave birth to the whole universe. It claims that to start the creation process, there must be at least two of something. This "twoness" or dualpairing is the first basic criterion that triggers the process of creation.
By definition, a Dualpair is a two of a kind of thing coupled in use. It is made up of the first pair and the other pair called the Alterpair. Black is the alterpair of white, up is the alterpair of down, hot is the alterpair of cold, man is the alterpair of woman, the material is the alterpair of non-material, visible is the alterpair of invisible, and abstracts are the alterpair of physicals.
In the Number System, if Zero is the only thing that exists in the family of numbers, no new numbers can be created. Even the family itself will not exist at all. However, if Zero is dualpaired with One, a never-ending series of billions and trillions of numbers can be produced and reproduced. Zero and One can even evolve into other new families or systems totally different from the original family. The families of colors, pictures, sounds, software, and hardware found in a computer system are by-products of Zero and One.
The book also argues that:
Creation is a process. It is a procedure that involves both materials and instructions to create. It doesn't need a divine being or a designer (The Lawsinium Fallacy). The creation process itself is as long as there are Materials and Instructions.
Btw, have you ever wondered why is it that Z is the alterpair to A and not B or C? If you want to feed your curiosity, the answer is revealed in the book Evolution of Creation by Joey Lawsin.
The article below is a partial peek-preview of the book:
Like putting on a new pair of spectacles, the book introduces some eye-opening concepts about how a set of instructions governs the creation and evolution process. It also examines why things exist in pairs, why creation is a series of instructions, and why creation doesn't need a creator. It also claims that Space and Shape — the building blocks of everything — that evolved into the dualpairing of systemic instructions and vitalic materials created everything and everyone.
Creation by Law dismisses all the theories on the origins of creation that always fall into the same pit of believing that a single organism, a single particle, or a single species gave birth to the whole universe. It claims that to start the creation process, there must be at least two of something. This "twoness" or dualpairing is the first basic criterion that triggers the process of creation.
By definition, a Dualpair is a two of a kind of thing coupled in use. It is made up of the first pair and the other pair called the Alterpair. Black is the alterpair of white, up is the alterpair of down, hot is the alterpair of cold, man is the alterpair of woman, the material is the alterpair of non-material, visible is the alterpair of invisible, and abstracts are the alterpair of physicals.
In the Number System, if Zero is the only thing that exists in the family of numbers, no new numbers can be created. Even the family itself will not exist at all. However, if Zero is dualpaired with One, a never-ending series of billions and trillions of numbers can be produced and reproduced. Zero and One can even evolve into other new families or systems totally different from the original family. The families of colors, pictures, sounds, software, and hardware found in a computer system are by-products of Zero and One.
The book also argues that:
- Before something will evolve; it has to be created first.
- Before something is created, something else has to exist.
- To exist, creation must be processed.
- To process creation, a two of something must be dualpaired first.
- This Dualpair follows the seven laws of creation.
The Seven Laws of Creation (acronym CREATES):
- A Pairing - there must be a two of something, the first pair, and the alter pair.
- Coexistence - this dualpair coexists gradually creating members in an enclosure: a family or a system.
- Reorganization - the members of the family group and regroup.
- Transformation - the group forms new groups of families or systems.
- Expansion - the families produce more new families of families.
- Selection - the best becomes active, the passive becomes dormant
- Empowerment - the active stays to thrive and survive.
To illustrate the seven requirements of creation by laws, let us use the letters of the alphabet as an example. We know that the alphabet is made up of the letters A through Z; 26 letters all in all. In this example, Z is the alterpair of A (The Law of Reciprocating Pair or DualPairing), and the 26 letters live in an enclosed system called the Family of Alphabet just like numerals in the Family of Numbers. The letters A & Z are logistically positioned to coexist as partners (The Law of Symmetrical Inversion or Coexistence). As these letters dualpair, they group together and transform into words, sentences, paragraphs, books, encyclopedias, and libraries (The Laws of Attraction and Environmental Adaptation or Reorganization and transformation). The new letters group together and expand to create more new words, words group together and expand to create multiple sentences, sentences create paragraphs, paragraphs create pages, pages create books and books create never-ending voluminous information (The Law of Exponential Transformation and Progression or Expansion). However, in their exponential transformation and continuous progression, some words become dormant and others become effective and efficient (The Law of Extraordinary Selection or Selection). The letters that were effective and efficient thrive and survive (The Law of Transcendent or Empowerment).
Creation is a process. It is a procedure that involves both materials and instructions to create. It doesn't need a divine being or a designer (The Lawsinium Fallacy). The creation process itself is as long as there are Materials and Instructions.
Btw, have you ever wondered why is it that Z is the alterpair to A and not B or C? If you want to feed your curiosity, the answer is revealed in the book Evolution of Creation by Joey Lawsin.
The article below is a partial peek-preview of the book:
"Something only exists when Nothing exists." ~ Joey Lawsin
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"The origin of life is chemistry and not biology." ~ J.Lawsin
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