
Wednesday, October 6, 2004


by Joey Lawsin

When an object acquires, inlearns, stores, executes, and processes information, the object is being perceived as an intelligent entity. Humans, although notorious as short-term thinkers, are believed to be intelligent because they possess these five basic functions. However, bacteria, algae, fungi, plants, animals, and other natural objects like rocks, air, and water constantly experience all or some of these functions as well.

Zero also comes with these five senses. He can share information too. Although he could not speak our language, he still can communicate. He woo-woos. These words are equivalent to barking. Not all dogs bark. Malamute howls.

Whether humans speak English, cows moo, birds chirp, cats meow, or dogs bark, all these "words" are nothing but energies - voice energy. They are simply sound energies that produce up and down patterns. The wave patterns below are some samples. They were created using an oscilloscope. I use them to encode what Zero is saying and decode them in human language.

Voice Signatures of Zero

iBowWow, codenamed Z.E.R.O. (Zound Encoder-decodeR gizmO), is a bowlingual bark translator device that I have invented. It interprets or translates my dog's bow-wows into human language. A computer algorithm I programmed coded B2W® (bark to word) processes the bark signatures of my dogs to human words. The Bow to Wow device is totally different from those that are being sold in Japan as novelties. It doesn't measure the brain and emotion signals of dogs. iBowWow simply encode-decode voice signatures. It was conceptualized along the way as I was working on my research, my brainchild Originemology.

Creative Commons License
iBowWow (B2W) is licensed under a 
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

About the Author :

Joey Lawsin is the author behind the new school of thought "Originemology". He is a revisionist who wants to change the world by rewriting the textbooks with new concepts that debunk the old scientific, theological, and philosophical ideas of antiquity. He published a book in Physics, created a conscious machine known as Biotronics, and invented the "Bowlingual" translator. The article "The iBowWow " is an excerpt from his book "Zero,ooo,ooo".

Disclaimer: The articles on this site are intended for a balanced education. Since it is constantly edited, updated, and improved, I recommend that you check back regularly for new items. If you want to use anything here for educational purposes, please inform the author by email or cite the source as follows: 
A Journal of a Creative Mind, Joey Lawsin, 1988, USA.

The iBowWow® logo is a registered trademark.
Copyright iBowWow© Inc. B2W. All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending. 2000 © ®

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Books that I have read to satisfy my curiosity on religion:

A comparative View of Religions - J. H. Scholten
Atheism Refuted -Thomas Paine
Atheism in Pagan Antiquity - A.B. Drachmann
An Atheist Manifesto - Joseph Lewis
A study of the Messiah - J.E. Talmage
A System of Logic - J.S. Mill
An Outline of Occult Science - Rudolf Steiner
Bible Myths and Parallels in Religion - T.W. Doane
Babylonian Legends of Creation - E.A. Budge
Common Sense -Thomas Paine
Criticism on The Origin of Species - T.H. Huxley
Christian Mysticism - W.R. Inge
Cosmic Consciousness - A.J. Tyndall
Creation by Laws - J.L. Lawsin
Dream Psychology - Sigmund Freud
Determinism or Freewill - Chapman Cohen
Evolution of Theology: an anthropological study -T.H. Huxley
Evolution: Old and New - Samuel Butler
Evolution of Creation - J.L. Lawsin
Exposition of Darwinism - A.R. Wallace
Einstein Theory of Relativity - H.A. Lorentz
Elementary Theosophy - L.W. Rogers
Esoteric Christianity - A.W. Beasant
Feeding the Mind - Lewsi Carroll
Five of Maxwells's Papers - J.C. Maxwell
Forbidden books of the original New Testament - William Wake
Heretics - G.K. Chesterton
Heretics and Heresies - R.G. Ingersoll
History of the Catholic Church - James MacCaffrey
History of Ancient Civilization - Charles Seignobos
History's Conflict bet. Religion and Science - J.W. Draper
Intro to the History of Religions - C.H. Toy
Jewish Theology - Kaufmann Kohler
Judaism - Israel Abrahams
Logic, Inductive and Deductive - William Minto
Lamarck, The Founder of Evolution - A.S. Packard
Mystic Christianity - W.W. Atkinson
Mistakes of Moses - R.G. Ingersoll
Mysticism and Logic - Bertrand Russell
Myths and Legends of Rome - E.M. Berens
Mutation - Hugo de Vries
Nature Mysticism - J.E.Mercer
Natural Selection - Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
Originemology - J.L. Lawsin
Pagan and Christian Creeds - Edward Carpenter
Pagan and Christian Rome - R.A. Lanciani
Symbolic Logic - Lewis Carroll
Sidelights on Relativity - Albert Einstein
Philosophy of the Mind - G.W.F. Hegel
Story of Creation: comparison study - T.S. Ackland
The Antichrist - F.W. Nietzsche
The Holy Bible - R.G. Ingersoll
The Freethinker's text book - A.W. Besant
The Expositor's Bible - T.C. Edwards
The Limits of Atheism - G.J.Holyoake
The Ancient History - Charles Rollin
The Sayings of Confucius - Confucius
The Game of Logic - Lewis Carroll
The Gnostic Crucifixion - G.R.S. Mead
The Critique of Practical/Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
The Origin of Jewish Prayers - Tzvee Zahavy
The Analysis of Mind - Bertrand Russell
The Problem of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell
The Brain - Alexander Blade
The Higher Powers of the Mind - R.W. Trine
The Human Aura - W.W. Atkinson
The Legends of the Jews - Louis Ginzberg
Thought Forms - C.W. Leadbeater
The Wonders in Psychology - J.H. Fabre

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